I just this minute logged on and clicked View Your Posts and got the - don't have permission to view this page error message.
Typed this message (above), posted - then tried the same search again and - it's fine! Weird!
One thing I don't like on the Holiday Reviews front page, is the fact that there is no indication as to what country (hotel really) the review is for, until you go to read the actual review.
Thanks for the constructive feedback, we'll get this sorted for you, as it makes sense!
And the Review section is the first thing people see when they go to the website,
We have read and taken note of your comments. As Phil has already said, we are sorry you that you feel that the new hotel review section has been unsuccessfully implemented. We have had many many positive comments about the new layout. Hopefully given time, and some more bug fixing from ourselves you'll grow to like it.
Chris wrote:Thanks for the constructive feedback, we'll get this sorted for you, as it makes sense!

Don't worry Chris, it's your site and you can do as you think fit. Whether I grow to like it is immaterial as long as you manage to pull in enough new members to make the enterprise worthwhile, without alienating too many of the long-established ones, who have supported HT for years and want it to be a success
I think to say we are intentionally alienating people is a little unfair. Unfortunately as with all things, there will always a minority that dislike change. We do believe (bugs aside) that we have and will continue to improve the usability of the site for the majority. HT has been a massive success in the past, however it has been in decline since about 2008. With the changes we are making we plan to return HT to the 'top of the pile', where it belongs. The existing members are core to that plan, I hope you can support HT through this transitional period.
Phil said he would see you about it in a previous post, if not look back post here and you will see two examples of option.

We have a fair bit to do though at the moment though, so please be patient, we will get this sorted for you as soon as we can.
Confused because the old HT was losing money hand over fist, and apart from Van's personal situation, the old HT couldn't have continued anyway for much longer.It was costing too much and no website of this size can survive as a charity.
I personally have never posted a review on that awful American site, because I refuse to make someone already rich, even richer- especially when the owners couldn't give a poo about the members and they don't respond to issues when the 'evidence' sent to them, is as clear as the nose on their face.
That's my personal opinion, but to insinuate that to 'survive' by bringing in revenue, by whatever means, is 'wrong' for this site, but you'll happily support that god forsaken American site, I find the situation laughable.
The new HT has taken a bit of getting used to, and I've never hidden the fact that I would have preferred the colour blue of the old HT in place of the yellow, I think the revamp and modernisation would have carried the old blue colours into another dimension, but the forums are virtually unchanged and I have no problem navigating the new site.
If there comes a time in the future when I don't like the way we go forward, then I'd like to be able to say that I gave someone the chance to put things right, without being influenced or manipulated by events that had nothing to do with me, because I don't and never have 'followed' the leader.
Like I've already said in another post, if I didn't like something I would just fade away, rather than wasting my energy bitching about something, especially something that is still in its infancy.
Sanji x
If you could post a new thread for each issue you find, that way we can keep track of the issues/niggles and report back on each one if we have further questions or it has been resolved.
Kind Regards
Chris & Phil

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