hi, we are going to altinkum in june,
was wondering how easy it`s going to be to find baby food like hipp cow & gate or heinz jars.
normally he gets wotever we are having, but when he`s having an off day i can usually get him 2 eat baby food if nothing else. plus all the crap in creation quavers skips etc etc
thanks karen
relax and enjoy
thanks for the reply,
Yes Tansas & Migros are much the same as our Tescos etc.
I cant seem to recall seeing cow & gate - the only known range i seen was 'Nestle' but it was nearly 2 years ago i last needed baby food. But all the supermarkets stock quite a big range.
Does he like fromage frais - The Nestle version is also readily available in the above stores.
And how about taking a box of his favourite breakfast cereal in your suitcase? At least you know will he will enjoy this
happy hols
The most widely available baby food brands in Turkey are Milupa, Bebelac and Hero baby - Turkish brand. They are all pretty similar and you would have no problem finding them in the shops. Even some pharmacies stock them but I wouldnt know a specific one.
I wouldnt recommend that you buy from the chemist - we done this once in hisaranu and were charged over triple the price that you would pay in supermarkets!
I definitely agree leighanne, I just though in case of emergencies it would be good to know they stock baby food too..
Bearing in mind the issues of security on the planes, can somebody advise how easy it is to get the proper branded baby food and liquidised food at this resort. We are concerned that there will be a problem of availability at the supermarkets..
Take what you need for your holiday, wrap it well and put it in your suitcase. Or consider taking powdered baby food, which you can mix with water. That at least would cut down on the weight in your case a bit.
Happy holidays,
Thanks for the useful advice
Just so we know wether to take them or just buy them over there.
We have been several tiems but without a baby in tow so have never noticed

Many Thanks
good idea is to try your kids with the likes of milupa before going to turkey.Nappies are quite inferior compared to uk brands . twice i have carried pampers for my grandsonn when we took him to turkey, last june my daughter her husband and my wee grandson was in belek ,she had phoned home and told us the nappies were terrible and really expensive ,unbeknown to them we had booked up for there second week ,and i took a half a case full with me .when we arrived at the hotel after the initial surprise she asked what are you doing here ,my reply was ,well you needed nappies diddent you . tee hee
Hi in my own personal opinion I do not feel that the quality of turkish diapers are inferior. But it might depend on the brand you use. The best in Turkey are the PRIMA which are pretty much the same like pampers and I have used them on my child when he was small. The lower cost brands like rosy baby or others might not be a good. As for cost they tend to run about average.
i was wondering if any1 could tell me if they have noticed if they sell SMA WHITE in marmaris also pampers nappies
Yes you can find SMA pretty much anywhere in Turkey, just try the pharmacies if you can't find them at the shops. Pampers is called Prima in Turkey and is widely available, although as you can see there is a bit of a debate going on here about the quality of it

We use them for my baby nephew and personally, I find that Prima is not much different to Pampers in terms of quality but the Huggies in the UK is much much better than Huggies in Turkey. If you use Huggies at home I would suggest you either bring some over with you or buy Prima when you get to Turkey instead of Huggies.

ah yes where we we..hmm nappies and milk...prima same as pampers..sma and milupa milks on sale everywhere...new nappy being advertised is Evybaby..also is very good .
also remember to bring some diorolyte ..or other rehydration powder..just in case.

My daughter is taking her 14 month old this year and is wondering what she should do about milk while out there. Baby is just coming up to the age when she can go onto cows milk, but should she keep her on formula for a bit longer and take that with her or is the milk in Turkey suitable for 14month olds?
hi wen i was out there last september with my daughter then 8 months i took my own baby milk just to be on safe side and took boxed baby foods and cerial as for nappies with my mum living there i sent her out to migros b4 i arrived to get my nappies and she got me wat looked like pampers and they was fab never had a leak, but this year going in june and shel be 17 months and i dont know wat to do for milk as she drinks a hell of a alot of cows milk and i know in turkey the milk isnt the same as here in uk can anyone tell me wat the best milk to get thats very similar to milk over here hoping to get her weaned off it by then but just in case thnx jojoxx
Would definitely keep the baby on powdered milk. The milk is different in Turkey to here, why risk problems.
When my daughter went last year with her 8 month old she took quite a lot of powdered food, as the baby food is more expensive, and not readily available in small supermarkets. As someone else said the staff in restaurants will be only to happy to mash up food for you.
In one restaurant our other grand-daughter who was 2 1/2 at the time asked for fish fingers, so they actually made her some out of fresh fish. She loved them luckily!
I am Blupeter01's daughter and yes I agree the Prima nappies aren't very good. They have like a plastic coating on them, and are made from a totally different material. Also we were paying approx £11.00 for each pack of nappies in Turkey that would have cost £5.99 at home. (this was in the hotel shop though)

Are the turkish baby food in jars marked so we would understand whats in them ?.
Some of the super markets in marmaris are a bit like ours but we didn't have to look at the baby food section the last time we were there.
We have been to turkey quite a few times but this is the first time with a 7 month old.
We are currentley toying with taking our own in the case but it will weigh a bit with 2 weeks worth of baby food and milk.
Thanks for any advice

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