I forgot to say in my report re:
Sonesta Beach in Sharm that it seems to be the norm to canvas now on the beach. Most are staff from the Sonesta and some of their trips seem to be ok, but my experience panicked me, i wanted to share this story, especially if you are in a couple. Might be long winded, but i was always told i should have had a job on jackanory
A guy canvessing on the beach asked us about any of the trips on the pamplet, as we hadnt done any as only there for a week, i decided to go on a camel ride to see the sunset with hubby.
The day of the trip, i had tummy problems big time, and asked if we could change it for another day. He told me i would be fine, and to drink mint tea, which i do anyway. Luckily we only paid him half the money, not the full amount until the day of the trip, just in case of problems like this.
Suffice to say, although i never ate anything at all that day, we went on the trip.
We got picked up at the Sonesta Beach reception, taken over the busy peace road, into a clapped out old jeep that stunk of petrol. We were the only two travelling
Our man that took us was Egyptian and called John.
We actually booked a camel for two of us to ride as a double. When we got there it was in the desert, miles away (at least 2 hours walk) to the sea, there were some Beduoin tents, and mountains.
Our guide was a young 17 year old and although tried, couldnt speak much English.
I pretended i was ok, but i was begining to have worrying doubts about this trip, why were we the only ones on a camel ride going off in the desert, and being driven further and further away from the tents. I could see millions of quad bikes zooming by, so i knew we wernt alone in that respect. But i didnt like the fact we were on our own.
We were on the camel about half an hour and made to get off, so the camel could rest near one of these mountains. Next the guy brought out a beduoin bracelet for peace each. Of course tipping required, Sam didnt give him any money to start off with, and the guy asked for money for present, Sam said well i never asked for one

But gave him couple of quid.
Next he said walk up the mountain to see the sunset, i said no because of safety and the fact i only had flip flops on

he said they would be fine, and there i am climbing up this steep mountain. I didnt like this at all and was scared. I am 5 ft 10 tall, briar has seen me, so she knows i dont get scared easily. He was getting abit impatient with me (the guide not Sam)
We had some good photo opportunties in this time, they came out really good.
Next he told us we were off somewhere else, and alarm bells started ringing. I looked across to see how far i could run to do a quick getaway to the sea, estimated 2 hours with no drink with us. By this time the quad bikes had gone on a ride, no one around only at the tents. I said to Sam i wanted to go back to the hotel. I said to him did he feel uncomfortable, and he was smiling to the man, i could have cracked him over the head with camel dung
The man started taking the camels behind the mountain into the desert now getting dark, i asked him where we were going, he said to meet some friends for 10 mins, 10 mins somewhere else, rest, then off to the beduoin tents for a rest and drink.
All of a sudden i noticed that our 4x4 wasnt there, i said this to Sam, by this time, he was worried, i said i extimated a getaway of two hours down to the sea, he reckoned we wouldnt make it, as it was getting dark.
I said to the man i didnt feel well, (i was, but made out i needed loo as bad tummy)he said at beduoin tent, toilets are there, i asked him to take us back to the Sonesta, he said camel wont go that far, i said, Noooooo in a car, i want to go NOW
He realised i was getting upset and angry, and eventually after 2.5 hours on a camel, took us back., I could see the hotels near the sea again, and felt a bit better. Another tip required for taking us back and the actual camel ride by guide £8 UK, on top of the actual trip £40.
As we were coming up against the Beduoin tents, more people were there, selling stuff, we didnt buy any. We got asked if we wanted a drink, i wanted just to go back, but had to stay till our lift came back.
Everyone asked us, the Egyptians if we liked it, i said yes, i wasnt going to admit i was terrified. The man came to us in the jeep, and we set off. I did notice at the end of the trip there were some Tourist Police there. I wished i had seen them first.
This taught me one thing at least, do not go alone on trips without a person that is staying with us, eg, a rep. We felt very uncomfortable, and sick. We were under the impression that a lot of people would be there, but no, we were there on our own, in the heat of the desert, with no one to scream to.
I was glad to get back.......SAFELY and alive
Michelle xx