All the UK charter airlines charge for headsets on short haul flights, with few exceptions not just TCX, but Thomsonfly, My Travel and even First Choice!
First choice and Thomsonfly even charge for blankets on short haul - something i find disgusting! The current trend to charge extra for everything is getting out of hand, when it first started core prices dropped. I remember when the £99 last minute holidays where all the rage, this was about the time when meals and drinks became an "extra"
now the prices go up and you have to pay for every little thing. The once traditional charter airline are becoming like Ryanair.
Well after several phone calls to First choice about seating arrangements in premier cabin (unable to guarentee sitting next to husband and having a great fear of take off) and trying to remove the upgrade without incurring £20 a person admin fee

The price of the basic holiday package NOT including the extra premier seating which we wanted to remove is £400 pound cheaper this DOES include £20 a person admin fee. If FCA had been able to note my resquest of sitting next to hubby they would of had an extra £600.
Last time we flew to the pacific side of mexico with FCA we had an hour stopover at Cancun this was 4 years ago . Looking at the flight now though, I think it might be direct does anyone know
I am sure Dazbo 5 will able to put me right

Do I have to prepare myself for 2 take offs per flight I will swap sides with husbands so he has bruises on both hands if I do

I believe this tech stops via Orlando(SFB) to change crew and refuel now. It used to go direct for a short while previously with a lighter load of passengers but they increased it back to full capacity.
I went to Peurto Vallarta with FCA in March this year. The flight technical stopped in Orlando Sanford (SFB) and you are on the ground for approx. 45 mins while they refuel the aircraft and change the crew. It's approx 9hrs 40 mins to SFB from MAN, 45 mins on the ground then 3.5hrs to PVR. It sounds a lot worse than it is! The return flight is direct, about 10.5hrs (with nice jetstreams pushing you along and a more direct routing). You may find my trip reports useful:
MAN-PVR Via SFB, First Choice FCA012 14/03/07
PVR-MAN, First Choice Airways FCA013 28/03/07
FCA's 767-300/ER's have an endurance of about 11hrs 25 fully laden and 13hrs fuel only (no passengers or luggage). The flying time from MAN direct is about 12 hours so its touch and go for a direct flight. I'd be very surprised if they reduced the passenger load to do it direct although having said that, our flight was nowhere near full so maybe they have.
Where are you staying? I stopped at the adults only Golden Crown Paradise by the harbour in PVR (just so happens the dive boats depart from there, what a co-incidence

Loved reading your detailed reports of the flights
Checking the flight on online booking its says the flight is 12 hours but when you go into the detailed booking arrangements with flight times its saying 13 and a half hrs which would tie in with a refuelling stop. Oh well 2 takeoffs per journey but it will be worth it in the end.

Off to goa in 4 week will be flying with Portland/thomson So will be able compare their new planes to first choice.
I know this is sad, but has anyone recently returned from Goa, if so, what films/tv programmes were showing?
I was browsing through this thread trying to see if I could find out the same information!! there are now officially 2 sad people on HT

Off to Dom Rep, punta cana on 13th Dec, flying from Manchester. We are landing in manchester T3 from Abdn on the evening of the 12th and were going to do the day before check-in as we did earlier this year but having received our tickets i see no mention of this service, have they done away with it?
It is so much easier to go to T2, check in our cases then head off to our hotel over night without having to take our luggage with us.
Any help would be great.
I am flying First Choice from Manchester T2 on Saturday to Cancun. I had to book my day before check in over the phone seperately from my booking, it cost me £5 per passenger and they send a letter in the post to present at your early check in. I don't know if this has always been the case though as its the first time I've flown with FC.
HTH a little!

As jayJ78 mentions, you have to phone them to pre-book day before check-in. All the details are on FCA's website.
One more way of them making more money out of us.
One more way of them making more money out of us
True, but this is an extra service provided by the airport to make the check-in process easier for those who have to travel to the airport from further afield and connect. The secure storage of baggage overnight at the airport will incur a cost to the airline so it's only fair they pass it on.
We didnt have to pre-book or pay extra for this service the last time, it was part of the star class prem up grade. I just assumed it still was but im now not sure.

Is anyone able to confirm if the day before check-in service is still part of the star class prem up-grade or not?? We fly out of manchester on thursday but arrive in man wednesday evening from abdn and would like to check-in when we arrive wednesday eve, we did this earlier this year when going to cuba with no probs but find that all info on this seems to have suddenly disappeared from their web site and our tickets carry no mention. I do not mind paying the further £5 to do this as it is so much easier but i will need to book this first thing monday morning if that is the case, i have tried calling but it appears all their offices are closed on sundays!
Thanks for all help,
Refer to the posts above. As far as I'm aware, it is not part of the SCP package. Even if it was, you'll still need to give FCA a call to book it. Getting through to an FCA agent can take a while. I've been on hold for 20 minutes in the past trying to pre-book the extra 10kg sports equipment!
It is not part off the premium upgrade, where are flying to Antigua in 3 weeks time with FCA premium and we had to pay the £5 for the day before check in.
Have a great holiday,
returned from a lovely holiday, the usual great flight and service from first choice. Easy flights with hardly any turbulance, no delays etc. Both flights were on board GOOAN.
As an update on the day before check in, we arrived, called the extension number on the desk, checked in and left for the hotel over night, same as last time, did not pre book and did not pay.
Keep up the good work first choice airline!

Recently got back from Egypt where we flew with First Choice from Gatwick FCA648 and 649 on our outbound journey my Vegetarian meal came out with a pudding which contained Pork Gelatine!!!!!. I only noticed because I was reading the label as my husbands meal took so long to come out. Next time you fly be careful and read the label.

Anyway I have got a bit of a prob I was wondering if anyone could help me with!
It seems that my little boy has left his little bag of toy turtles he collected on his hols in the magazine rack in the back of the seat and is heartbroken! It was the return flight from Cancun on 23rd Dec landing at 7.55 am on 24th, FCA 177 from Manchester. I had packed it away in his bag before we had to put our seatbelts on for landing but it seems whilst I was sorting out the other kids bags he has had it out again and I had not noticed! Does anyone know what happens to lost property on planes? Who should I contact to see if it has been found? I think the chances of it being recovered are pretty slim but I thought I'd ask anyway!!
Rather than contact FCA's customer care, I would give FCA's ground handling agents a call who deal directly with the flight. The number is 0870 0664107 (Servisair/GlobeGround).
Good luck,

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