Hi All, Unfortunately I've got something BAD to say about First Choice longhaul.
I just got back from Kenya (its my third FCA longhaul holiday) and I need to complain.
As always - I arrived at Gatwick well in advance of the flight time (actually 5 hours ahead!)
I checked in and was allocated seat 38C - (I kept the boarding card for the formal complaint to the airline chairman)
(First Choice airline have a pathological hatred of single travellers and point blank refuse to allocate them window seats - which I want-you cannot even pay money to get them.
So that's the first moan over.)
I got on the plane-luckily one of the first to board. Sat in my seat, made myself comfortable.
No window - but make the best of it.
And then a family of 3 arrived and showed that they also had seat 38C allocated to them.
They had a boarding card also to prove it. How could the computer have done that???
3 of them, 1 of me-First Choice Airline did their normal thing-booted me out and made me sit in the galley till the plane was full. Then they gave me what was left - worst seat on the plane - 11E - the one just outside the toilet where all the passengers try to climb over your legs during flight to reach the other aisle.
And do you know how many times the toilet flushes on a 767 during a 10 hour flight?? I DO NOW!!
So that's the second moan.
Yes FCA longhaul planes are OK. Organisation,management,staffing & policies are rubbish in my view.
Single travellers ought to think scheduled if they can - or ThomsonFly (who allow you to pay to pick your seat) - or ThomasCook who do so also, and now they appear to be upgrading their planes also.
Sounds like a family or small group who did not pay to pre-book seats, arrived towards the end of check-in, found no seats together, kicked-off at the check-in agent, and you subsequently got moved because you were on your own. Not really FC's fault. And as you say not fair on the single traveller. Why didn't you stay in your seat until a suitable alternative seat was found? Being in the original seat, with the correct boarding card would have given you a degree of empowerment over the new seat they offered (that window you disired - or free drinks during the flight - or some complimentary wine with your meal..)
He basically didn't care-somewhat uncivil and unhelpful.
He told me that the boarding card did not give anyone any right to any particular seat even though it's printed on it!!
I made a formal compaint to him,and asked for,and got,a copy of his flight report,and I promised I'd make a formal complaint directly into FCA management when I got home.
I will do that- though I don't expect it will do me any good.
FCA do not want single travellers. They make that very clear.
First Choice airline have a pathological hatred of single travellers and point blank refuse to allocate them window seats
While I can understand your frustration, I must disagree with you. I've flown as a single traveller with FCA on a number of occasions and have been asked if I'd prefer a window or isle seat more often than not. Long haul seats are often pre-allocated and can't be changed at check-in, but if you don't ask, you don't get. Also, due to aircraft configuration, single travellers are often given centre isle seats so as not to split couples up. They don't do it because they don't like single travellers, they do is for the convenience of couples and families who are the bulk of their trade.
While coming home from St Lucia via Barbados with Thomsonfly, we had a similar occurance with seats being allocated twice. Mistakes happen but the crew did their best and sorted you out.
We are about to book a long haul holiday to Dom Rep and have been told that as it is a Premier holiday pre-bookable seating is included without paying any extra. But I cannot find anywhere on the website where I can either request seat numbers or request a window seat, does anyone know how I can do this.
pre bookable seats normally only imply that you will be sat together as a party (this can include either side of an aisle), as regards specific seats this may be possible if you contact the airline directly.
It isn't possible to pre-assign specific seats with FCA. They don't offer this service.
Hya i have just booked for feb 08 to goa from manchester in pemium seats how many passengers does this hold in premium and what are the best seats to get???
There are 63 seats in the premium cabin arrange 2-3-2 over 9 rows. The 'best' seat is personal preference. They are all pretty similar really. The seats are pre-assigned so you won't be able to choose seating in any case. Don't be worried, you're in safe hands.
I may book with Thomsons instead then as they do the same holiday just slightly dearer but it will be worth it not to have to sit away from my partner for a 9 hour flight. I wonder why thomsons can offer this service but first choice who are now part of TUI cannot, doesnt make sense.
If you are travelling as a couple, as long as you check-in with plenty of time to spare, ie 2 hours before your flight, it's unlikely you'll get split up. It's only when you check-in late when most of the seating has been allocated that you'll get split up. FCA normally allocate seating prior to the flight in any case so most of the time, your seat has been allocted before you get to check-in. It's just you can't pick and choose your seat number. Personally, I would go with FCA, especially it its cheaper beccause I prefer the interior of the aircraft (slightly more elbow room) and there's no question the meals on FCA flights are nicer than the stuff served from TOM!!
Once both companies are fully integrated, I'm sure facilities will be the same.
We had heard good things about FC (apart from the problem with seating) and like the idea of more elbow room and I agree the meals on Thomsons are disgusting but there is always the possiblity that we will be sat apart, definitely needs some more thinking about before we decide.
If you get to check-in nice and early, eg at least the recommended 2 hours prior to your scheduled departure time, ask the agent for seats behind you. If they are available, then I'm sure they'll allocate seats as close as possible.
Thanks Dazbo5, that is what i am thinking of doing.
As suggested by other posts - First Choice do seem to run some sort of seat pre-allocation system - and their system does seem to favour couples - so you may well be lucky.
Checkin early is normally a good idea - though doesn't always work with FCA - since they managed to double allocate my seat to Kenya this Christmas.
However their systems still lag behind those of ThomsonFly, ThomasCook, and most scheduled airlines in that you don't have the opportunity of picking your seat - even if you are prepared to pay for the privilege. Maybe when they get their new planes in 2009 they will play catchup on computer systems wiith other airlines and be able to offer similar facilities.
Can anyone help me. I'm flying to Paphos in July by First Choice. Do they have upgrades. I'm wondering do they do them on short haul flights.
Given your username, I assume you'll be flying from Manchester? FCA use Boeing 757-200's, and the smaller Airbus A320-200 on MAN-PFO flights so no, they don't offer upgrades. They are all economy. I quite like their A320's, adequate for PFO. On rare occasions, they do use a Boeing 767-300/ER that are normally used on long haul flights, but that's on an ad-hoc basis and aren't scheduled.
Whilst Thomsonfly do offer a way to preselect your seat and 9.9/10 it works in the economy cabin (2-4-2) where everyone is happy It always causes a nightmare in the premium cabin as one couple are always split up being behind each other, our premium cabin is configured the same as FCA's entire aircraft, so whilst I gladly accept praise off you on behalf of Thomson, It is missplaced.
It is not any computer systems fault or any other "fixable fault" it is the nature of the aircraft layout of 2-3-2.
With FCA's operations slowly moving over to Thomsonfly's office's and IT systems It may become slightly better as we preseat the majority of our customers upto 30 hours prior to departure, only those that upgrade/complain/request on the day get moved. This in itself causes problems, but I shall not bore you. Also a little trick, if you have requested a specialist meal and a certain seat you are more likely to get that seat(not foolproof, but as tesco says.. "every little helps")
Apparently FCA allocate SCP seating by time of booking i.e. first booked gets seated first, and this is done a few days before departure, which is fine. My question is, do they look at each individual booking to see which bookings would be easier to split up- I'm going to Mombasa with my boyfriend (I'm also male..) in June, and I'm afraid that FCA will look at our booking, see it's been booked over a year ago, but still say "ah this is two friends, they won't mind sitting apart", and split us up. Does anyone know their procedure?

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