Take Steri bottles and pre-mix formula in cartons for outward and return flights - taking enough to cover a delay. You can then ditch the bottles when they've been used rather than carrying dirty bottles around. Pack return flight bottles and formula in suitcase. This is great if you're arriving late at night with no shops open as well.
Buy a cheap secondhand cold water steriliser (Maws is a good one as you can only sterilise in a microwave and you can get one for a couple of quid on a car boot) and then leave it behind at the end of the holiday.
A babysling (we used a Baby Bjorn) is great for getting on and off a flight with a little one and leaves your hands free for bags etc.
If you have a baby on your knee you will NOT be able to eat your inflight meal as the tray comes down where baby will be sitting so if you are paying for inflight meals be prepared not to eat them.
Use a buggy bag to carry buggy in - you can stash a few beach towels in there as 'protection' (and saves valuable space and weight allowance in your case) and helps to ensure your buggy is in one piece when you land
Advise staff at check-in that you wish to take your buggy to the gate and that you want to collect it at the end of the flight (not always possible but always worthwhile asking).
Take enough nappies to see you thru' flight and first day - in Spain the Spanish version of Pampers have the name DODOT.
If travelling with Toddlers & Older kids:
Take a small bag for each child and fill it with toys/activities - £1 shops are great for getting stuff for holiday bags. Toys can be dumped at the airport if you don't want to hang onto them altho' they can be useful for keeping little one's occupied in apartment or hotel toonot to mention return flight.
Take favourite snacks - most flights you don't get food as standard anymore and even if you do, most kids will turn their nose up at it anyway! We were caught out last year and had virtually nothing to give the kids.
Sit child next to window where possible - they are absolutely fascinated with clouds, tiny houses etc.
Can't think of any more off to the top of my head but if I think of any more I'll add them on.
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19 years 10 months ago