General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

General Holiday Enquiries? Got General Hints & Tips? Post Them Here.
You can get sterilising bags now, Boots and Mothercare do them.
We took a medium sandwich box, able to carry spoons and few bits as well as be used for a cold water steriliser with tablets.

Nappies- spread them loose throught out your cases then buy local variety.

Buggy - Take one that is light and small when folded, and one you don't mind getting a bit bashed- excellent for babies/children than need naps and for hanging bags on!

Their own bag of toys, few sweets and sports lid drinks/water.
Small ones like their own blanket too!


I'll add more when I think of them.
If you're going to buy nappies abroad, make sure you know your childs weight in kgs.
Yes they do do microwave sterilisers!
I think they are big enough for 2 bottles and can be used upto 20 times!!

This site is excellent for bits for taveling, even a high chair seat thing that hangs on the back of a normal chair!

For travelling take a spare set of clothes in a carrier bag! wet/dirty clothes can go in the bag then.

Small cool bag and mini ice paks for travelling and days out! Had mine from Asda
There were 2 things that we took with us that were fantastic (our son was 3). We bought a pair of aqua shoes and found them invaluable because he could wear them in or out of the water. The reason we bought them was because of reviews on our particular hotel where some of the pool times were broken or chipped. The other thing that was great was one of those towels with a hood he could walk around with it on. I hope this is the type of thing you are looking for.

My kids are teenagers now, but one tip I remember from the toddler days is to take a small inflatable paddling pool (you can get them from £1 shops, asda/tesco etc) Take it to the beach/pool with you and fill it with water/plastic cups/boats etc. Keeps them quiet for a bit and stops them having the urge to wander into the sea/pool. The paddling pool is also great if you end up in a hotel/apartment with no bath and just a shower - use it as a mini bath for small people who don't like showers.
Pop-up tents are a good idea for keeping them out of the sun and in their own little 'den'. You can even put the tent in the paddling pool full of water to keep them really cool! (remember to keep an eye on them with water)
Accomadation In Spain

Glad to help in some small way. A few years ago my friend said that there was a need for some sort of a clip that cliipped onto 2 single buggies to make them a double buggy anyway I believe that they have made such a thing for Mc Laran buggies. If you are travelling abroad with 2 children and 2 adults I reckon this is the way to go. It will mean that when you want to you can both push a buggy each and when there is only one adult available that they can put on the clip and make it a double buggy (hence one person can push it).

  • Edited by C and S 19 years 10 months ago
You can get Buggy/Stroller connectors to put 2 identical buggies together - we are doing that this year as we found taking the double pushchair a nightmare,
travelling to new york on 28th may, can anyone offer any advice on calming my 11 year old daughter who is scared on flying especially on take off!, which travel sickness tablets do people use for children also. i don,t want anything that will knock her out but something to help her enjoy this flight
I'd go to your local Pharmacy and see what they recommend.
I had some travel tabs for my sons first flight when he was 3, but didn't need them!
Plenty of things to occupy her, mags, books, gameboy??
Hi, you could try Bach Rescue Remedy for calming her, you will find it in Holland & Barrett health store.

A few members have mentioned it on this site before and I have used it in the past for other reasons. It comes with a little dropper bottle and you just drop about 4 drops on the tongue.

Shell :D
A friend of mine had the same problem with her son when they went to ibiza. They took a hand held game (gameboy i think) and he was so engrossed in playing the game it distracted him from the take off. If you can take the focus off the take off, by using a distraction technique it may help her.
Read this with interest as I am taking my 11 year old grandaughter on her first flight in August. She hasn't said she's nervous or anything but if she does I know where to come.
hi travelling to salou soon with three kids youngest being 22 months dreading it anyone any experience with a child so young will i need a holiday when i come back any tips please :lol:
In addition to any advice in this topic, you may also like to check out the Flying with Children topic in our Airlines & Airports forum for some useful hints and tips.

David :wav
Bestfriend - we travelled to Majorca when our eldest was 4 and twins were 7 months old and lived to tell the tale! :D

Travelled again when eldest was 6 and twins 2, eldest 7 and twins 3 and we're back again this summer when our eldest is 8 and twins 4.

They absolutely love all aspects of it - flight, transfer and holiday itself!

Am just looking for general advice really. It's the first time we will be going abroad with our little girl (aged 2.5yrs).

Am bit worried about how I'm going to keep her entertained whilst on plane and particularly whilst on coach during transfer (1.5hrs!). Am really worried she'll start tantruming (terrible twos) and everyone will hate us!!
Know that she'll be fine once we get there but wondered if anyone has any brilliant tips for entertainment/toys to take with us.


p.s - we're staying in Sa Coma
Hi - i dont have any advice as such - except for remember you're on holiday and go with the flow.... we took our little girl at 5 months and then at 12 and we have just today booked for when she will be 2. She played up no end but we had to just deal with it at the time...its one of those things you cant predict.

In terms of the flight / transfer etc you could try board books, sticker books, colouring etc - get her her very own little pink rucksack and dont give it to her till your actually on the plane and she starts to fidget then she'll have lots of new things in it to discover.... a friend of mine buys packs of post it notes and draws lots of letters / shapes pictures etc and puts them on the table and as they go through the pad they play snap - very cheap but very effective if you all join in....

the other thing is try and keep her active and awake as much as poss before you fly (depends on time of flight i guess) so she might sleep on the plane.

hope this might help a little...
Hi Claroj,
I laughed when I read your post, remembering the trip from hell I endured two years ago with our son who was almost 2 at the time.

My 7 yr old daughter had chicken pox and they left us stood at the departure gate for 30 minutes while they checked with the airline as to if we could fly or not. By the time they let us on we were sweating buckets due to the heat and everyone on the plane was waiting for us.
My son took one look at the hot, sweaty plane full of stern looking people and turned tail and ran for the door. I had to scoop him up and put him on my knee because the pilot literally started to taxi the plane as we stepped on board. My little lad then had a blue fit the likes of which I`ve never experienced before. It was so bad I really thought they would throw us off the plane. He actually slipped through my hands and climbed under my seat which is where he spent the first 20 minutes of the flight.
The air hostesses were brilliant, they shouted to the family behind `excuse me, there might be a baby coming through any minute now!` which with hindsight was funny but nobody within earshot found it funny at the time I can tell you. When we arrived back at Manchester a bloke came up to me at the luggage collection, shook my hand and said how sorry he had felt for us which caused us both to burst out laughing.

Now Ive got you worried, dont be. Whatever happens theyve seen it all before.

My advice would be to wait `til everybody else is on the plane before boarding, then youre not sitting doing nothing. Also try and sit right at the back as there is space for little ones to walk around. The cabin crew wont mind too much as seats on the back 2 rows are often empty.
As msc1977 says. try and make a little itinery of games, colouring and drawing, some new toys, maybe a little picnic. Oh! and one other thing do whatever your little one wants to do. It makes life much easier if you relax all rules for the journey. Good luck and remember however bad it gets, it couldnt be as bad as it was for me! :D :D
Travelled with my 21 month old last September. We had early flights which I think helped. Dressed her in dungarees so she was comfortable on the plane. Gave her breakfast before we boarded and a nice helping of calpol! Thought this would help in case she suffered with her ears - medised is the same but makes them a little drowsy which might help. We travelled with First Choice and they gave her a bag with crayons and paper in, but was a bit of a pain when she kept dropping them on the floor! Plus we had her on our lap as she was under 2! I took a new book with flaps etc. She found this fun for a while. After an hour she fell asleep! Bliss! Same on way back!

On the coach she just played boo with the kids behind and a teddy!

I also took a little bag with a farmyard lego set with the board for the stuff to go onto. This was fab at the resort! When she wasn't in the pool, she'd sit on a sunbed under the brolly quite happy playing with the lego - best thing we took!

The lego proved popular with other kids from round the pool too!

So that's really my advice - comfy clothing, calpol and lego!

Good luck and have a fab time! :lol:
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