Managed to do online checkin 24 hours before, but unfortunately on both legs of flight (Man > LHR and LHR > MIA) all the extra legroom seats had gone

Flight MAN > LHR was uneventful and short, except after we had landed. Unfortunately there was nowhere to 'park' the plane, so we were all left waiting for over 1.5 hours. Most people on the plane were transferring so it got quite nasty as no-one was telling us anything - cabin crew or pilot. In the end, one cabin crew did offer to tell me that LHR was at a standstill and no planes were leaving, or had left for the past half hour so I would make my connection fine. This would have been satisfactory, apart from the fact we were right next to the runway and could see planes landing and taking off every couple of minutes!!!!!! Did not appreciate this 'white lie'!
When we finally got off, ran to connections between terminal 3 and 1 (which may I add is a long way) and got there at 09.30. Our MIA flight was meant to go at 09.40. We were told that we had already been booked onto the next flight as we had missed ours. Another white lie as we later found out our original plane did not actually leave for another 2 hours.
Anyway, pleased to be booked onto the next flight (at 13.40), but not pleased to be told there were no seats together. Told them this was not satisfactory, and they then managed to find us 2 together, but not an aisle. Now this may seem OK, but I do have a bad knee (cartilage surgery) so I do need and aisle seat on long haul. After having another look, they told us the flight was full but would put a note on our booking if anything came up, and yo ask at the gate when we boarded. We were then given a £10 food and beverage voucher each for our 'inconvenience'.
Finally got to the gate at approx 1pm, and lo and behold, we had been moved to 2 seats together, an aisle seat also, and best of all, upgraded to World Traveller Plus. Excellent - sort of made up for the long day we were having!
I did speak too soon though, because after we boarded there were yet more problems, and we didn't actually leave till 2 hours later. At least we had better seats, but I was a bit put out when no one came to give anyone in WT or WT+ a drink the whole time we were waiting. Not even a glass of water was forthcoming!!!!!
Anyway, the flight itself was fine. Food was OK - nothing special, but did enjoy the video on demand system. Managed to watch 3 films!!!!!!!!.
Finally arrived at out hotel in Miami exactly 24 hours after we had left our house, and luckily we had all our bags too - bonus!
Flight home was much less eventful. Checked in online again, and managed to bag extra legroom seats on both legs. No delays this time, and apart from a LOT of turbulence (actually woke me up) we arrived back on time - again with all bags

Edited by
Lance Chambers
2017-03-19 10:30:53