I have just been on another travel forum, and came accross a discussion on general holiday tips, for anything, ie flying, beach, packing... and thought it'd be fun to start one off here...
For on the plane: I put a plastic bag or a smaller bag in my hand luggage, and after it's been weighed, I put all the absolute essentials in, lipbalm, headache pills, inhalers, money, glasses, small book/magazine boiled sweets and a pen, then I can put the rest in the overhead locker, and the 'essentials bag' under the seat in front, that way, there is less need for me to disturb everyone to get up for something out the locker!
Another tip, with the boiled sweets, suck one while your plane is taking off and landing, it prevents earache, yawning also has the same effect.
pack a lilo for each person, they don't weigh that much, that way, if all the loungers are taken, you can take them down to the beach, and they're easy enough to move around. They also make a great matress on the sunloungers! I might try tying mine down with my luggage strap this year!
Another one, may be to put your lilo in hand luggage if it's a night flight, then if your flight is delayed, you'll have an instant bed at the airport, saves fighting for the limited seats!
Take some teetree oil, it works just as well for me as insect repellant, and it takes the itch out of sunburn!
So come on, everyone else's turn!
thankyou drama queen those tips are great!!!!!

When my kids were younger I always took their bathrobes which were lovely and snuggly when they came out of the swimming pool, and easier than fiddling around wrapping them up in a towel.
I always pack antihistamine tablets (piriton, clarityn etc), take one tablet every day and if you get bitten or get any kind of heat rash, the allergic reaction won't be so bad. Don't forget to buy the non-drowsy ones if you're planning on hiring a car

If you have access to a freezer compartment I always keep a flannel or muslin cloth in there for when you come back from the beach. It immediately cools you down, especially if you put it on the back of your neck. Also great if you get a headache.
If it's 2 4 1 Happy Hour order 3 drinks and get six. This way they'll last you longer than happy Hour!
If your wife has gone off shopping and not back at a set time go have yourself a few beers, you can still blame her because she wasn't back!
Have a look around the resort. You shouldn't be one of these people who just stay in one place. Besides there may be other bars with Happy Hours and they may be different times so you could hit them all!
Always take part in the 'round the pool' activities because the prize is usually a drink from the bar so if you think you can throw further than a few 6 year old kids the drink will be a dead cert!
Oh and for the above, always go for the cocktail too!
Also if for some reason you lose out to your daughter in the 'around the pool' games make sure she gets a cocktail and tell her that you'll buy her a coke for it!
If you're a bit low on cash and down to your last mouthful of pint, accidently bump it into one of the rushing waiters who will imediatly apologise and get you another beer! Always make sure to use different waiters as they may cotten on!
The above is for fun and not recommended for actual doing but if it helps you out then go for it!

Chivas (Regal!) - do you drink alot on holiday by any chance?

Keeping your lipstick in the fridge stops it melting when it's really hot.
.Keeping your lipstick in the fridge stops it melting when it's really hot
Also your nail polish, this stops it from going thick and gooey.
sanji xxx

Excellent tips everyone, Ive tried the lilo one before! Will try the beer one next time!!!!
Heres another, if you have a freezer compartment pop your small bottles of water into it in the evening, the next day when your sunning yourselves your water will be icy cold for hours.
A canadian lady told me to get a thermal mug for cuba last year. I got some from poundland *you know the sort, the car mugs* and they were a godsend, more room for rum and coke!
One for compulsive packers like myself, my sister in law told me to do this, get 7 shorts, 7 tshirts, 7 bikinis, 7 evening outfits, and wear them twice, there's still a lot, but i tend to get overexcited and take 15-20 of each.
I love the tip about the nail polish and after sun :-)
You will have so much "power" contained in such a very small bottle, more or less the size of a bottle of nail polish.
These two oils are the only two that you can apply neat on the skin and the uses are endless.
Tea Tree oil is anti fungal, anti-viral, anti-septic and anti-bacterial some of the uses include mixing a drop in water and making a mouthwash, also good for gum problems and mouth ulcers.
Try washing your feet with a few drops diluted in water, this will refresh tired smelly feet and kill anything that you may have picked up either around the pool or on the beach"¦can be used neat.
If you get a chest infection, then a few drops in a sink full of hot water and inhaling the vapours will help. Also leaving the bathroom door open, but the balcony door closed and letting the vapours waft through the room/apartment will also kill any air-borne germs.
Have a SLIGHTLY dampen old handkerchief with a few drops of Tea tree on it and wipe all door handles, light switches, toilet handles/seat and taps"¦anywhere where other people may have placed their hands in the room before you"¦and generally places where the maid misses this takes only 5 or 10 minutes to do, but may save you a lot of misery .repeat this every few days.
A few drops of tea tree diluted in water in the sink will also kill any germs when self catering and cleaning areas where food may be prepared. etc.
Please be aware that this is a potent oil and only a few drops should be used you have an essential oil that is stronger than carbolic acid, and as there are several hundred species of tea tree, make sure you buy the one called Melaleuca Alternifolia, this is the only one that has the anti-fungal properties.
Tea tree can be used neat for cold sores, spots and sores.
Lavender oil this reminds us of Grandma, and it seems that Grandma did indeed know what she was talking about.

This oil has soo many uses that I could fill this whole thread up talking about it.
It has been proven and accepted by the medical profession to aid in the healing process and reducing the scar tissue in burns, and that also means sunburn.
A few drops in a bath full of tepid/warm water will take the soreness and pain out of sunburn.
It is an excellent insect repellent, a few drops sprinkled on your bed and particularly the pillows, will prevent any nasties left behind by other people having a bite at you.
Take the Lavender oil to the beach with you and this is your first aid in a bottle if the kiddies get stung or cut"¦always try and wash the wound first in clean water and then dab on some oil instant anti-septic, anti- bacterial and anti-viral.
Lavender oil is also known for relieving headaches, a drop placed on a finger and massaged around the temples will help, or a few drops on a handkerchief and inhale the aroma.
One thing I will mention is that whilst Lavender oil can be applied neat to the skin, and is one of the most versatile oils"¦ it has two effects.
If used in small quantities it will promote relaxation and sleep, but if you use too much then it has the opposite effect and becomes a stimulant, thus keeping you and everybody else awake and excited"¦ if in doubt use a few drops, that means between 1 to 5 max"¦for an adult in a bath full of water up to 15 drops can be used and always disperse the oils by swishing the water around before stepping into it..... or better still dropping your private parts into it.

If you are uptight with an headache and have had too much sun, then lying in a lavender bath with the bathroom door closed, will kill two birds with one stone.

Besos xxx
Tee tree oil is first on my packing list! When on holiday (I often go to the caribean) I always put few drops in the bath, it deters mizzies better than deet, or used as well as deet for extra protection... it also takes the itch out of sunburn

Another good item to take is a Frizbee.
Love that last one
Ok a serious one for you,
Superdrug do a bottle of blue alcohol gel for about 99p which makes your hands germ free with only a little blob! Great because it soaks right in the hands!

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