General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

General Holiday Enquiries? Got General Hints & Tips? Post Them Here.
Hi Wee Kebab - can see you have been busy ;) Welcome back.

There should be no problem with booking for unborn junior. Are you booking with First Choice then ? If so the travel agent should put baby down as Infant X and then when born update it for you. Just remember to update though otherwise your tickets will be issued with Infant X.

Keep us updated re Junior ;)
Kath x
Cheers Kath, yes it will be directly with First Choice - want to go back somewhere I'm very sure of first time round and have been promised plenty of help from our friends so I reckon we'd be a bit silly to go elsewhere at this juncture...

I'm now wondering if it may work out easier to book just for us as a couple and then add the baby later, been having a play on the site and to book online I need a date of birth for Mini Kebab. If I have to book through them I want to do it as cheaply as possible, and it's quite a hefty discount I probably won't get if I phone them or go into the agents.

Aaargh, it's not supposed to get complicated till after they're hatched is it? :rofl
Course I'll keep you updated, and if I forget tell Luci to give me a rocket. Or just ask her, she's on the list of people to update as soon as I'm capable ;)
Do they not have a general enquiry phone number you can ring ?

I know when my daughter was due they just took the month and year baby was expected.

Id give them a try and tell them your not booking unless they match online ;)
kath x
Wee Kebab wrote:

Course I'll keep you updated, and if I forget tell Luci to give me a rocket. Or just ask her, she's on the list of people to update as soon as I'm capable ;)

And she's hoping she is somewhere near the top of the list!

luci :wave
and it's quite a hefty discount I probably won't get if I phone them or go into the agents

If you go to a First Choice travel agent (they have shops in lots of large towns) and take a printout of the online quote, they will usually match the online price rather than lose a potential customer. I booked my Summer 08 holiday this way with a quote from the Eclipse website (same company as First Choice) and the shop manager grudgingly agreed to match the price. The staff in the shop will be able to give you more advice on booking for your tiny wee kebab.
Congratulations, by the way! :D
My daughter has made 2 booking's for her expected little one, on the first booking they put baby + surname and on second one baby X and was told just to ring them with name when born.
We booked with Superfast Ferries before our second child was born and they put the name as X and used my due date as the date of birth. One the baby arrived we gave them the actual info.
Congratulations on the expected arrival of Mini Wee Kebab :wow
Sorry for bumping such an old topic, but wanted to let you know everything is fine, I even guessed the correct gender when I booked (and the fact that Mr Kebab would give in on the choice of name ;) ) so even managed to put the right initial on the booking and saved me £25 alteration fee :mrgreen: ;) and we're off next week so I'm just nosing round for last minute tips.

He's in the avatar for the nosey...
Aw he's lovely Kebab.

Congratulations. :kiss
kath x
:whoops Guess who forgot to update this 4 months ago! :oops:
He's a wee smasher!

Is it this trip you are getting married or next?

Lots of info on taking infants abroad in various topics in various forums.

luci :wave
what a beatiful baby.... many congratulations :) hope you have a fab holiday!

clare x
Congratulations and well done on your psychic ability for seeing ahead :rofl

He is absolutely stunning.
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