Spain - Canary Islands - Lanzarote Discussion Forums

Discussions regarding holidays in Lanzarote.
Fresh Milk
10 Posts
There is fresh milk available here, but it comes at a price. There are various brands. Off the top of my head, we have La Granja (not nice!) Sandra (a bit better) and the best of the lot is Kalise. You can also get Cravendale milk here (though not this week for some reason?) which costs over 3€ per litre.

The problem with the fresh milk is that it is also imported, and depending on what the weather has been like, it can already have gone off when you buy it, but of course you won't know that until you get it home!!!

If you think you would be better bringing powdered milk, then look out for the bottled water to mix it with which is specially formulated for babies. Some of the bottled waters have a high sodium content.

HTH :cheers
We bought the fresh milk and like mad sue says it does go off quick , so we stick to the UHT 1 ltr cartons which tastes fine and is a lot cheaper not sure if babies are ok with this though ?
Thanks Guys, I think we will take powderd to be safe and see whats on offer when we get there.
Quick update live from the sunbed. We have found fresh whole milk available from every spar in resort at €1.30 a litre .
:tup Told you it comes at a price!!!!
No problem getting it, and it's definately a bonus if it's not gone off. I've long since given up with it. Strictly UHT only.
No problem with the price or date issues, all the stuff we got was fine and just over a pound every other day didnt break out budget.
IMO: €1.30 for a litre of fresh whole milk is not expensive, when you consider a litre of the best UHT is between €0,72 - €1,03 (depending where you shop) and some brands of UHT milk is best avoided.

Glad you got sorted MilleMiglia :tup

Sanji x
Sanji, I was comparing the price of fresh milk here with the price that MM would normally pay in UK :D
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