I pack for both hubby and i he drives me mad when we get to the airport and says "did you pack my".....
I even put the cases in the Hall ready for him totake outside to put in the boot of the car
Mind you when the children were small i refused to pack for the six of us one year and i said you and the children can do it i'm on strike was funny when we got to our holiday destination and unpacked.
I made sure i was fine but wht he packed was typical of him one pair of shorts for a week and a t-shirt...
Someone mentioned onslow well he his another one...
looking at your sig.. is it a welsh thing!!!!!
my hubby is welsh...he packs nothing, buys nothing just pays for it all.......i run around like a headless chicken trying to sort it all while he goes to work and thinks that`s all he`s gotta do.. i also have 12 and 14 yr old boys who i have to buy and pack for.!!!!!hubby doesn`t even know what clothes he has til we get there, and i have to tell him what to wear all the time.!!!!!!! sorry

so basically hubby goes to work to pay for it all but that`s it....
sharon...p.s sorry to rant but it`s a sore point in this house

Let him do his own ironing and watch the cloths being washed reduce!

If you do it all he's not going to see how much work is being made,give him a wee fright.

Give it a go and let us know
Hubby jokingly says he can't wait to get there to see what clothes he's got.
Just to prove a point, I recently didn't do any of his washing and ironing for a week. More fool me - I just had a huge pile to do at the end of it. Last week he had to put the car in for a service. I told him to buy a pair of black or grey sandals when he was there, as he had a nice brown pair. Have a guess what colour he bought - ****** brown! We had a wedding night on Friday and he asked was he supposed to wear jeans or his cream trousers. Now cream would have been lovely - but he hasn't got a pair. When he showed them to me they were light khaki. Says it all doesn't it. It's easier just to do everything myself.
I can't believe some of the previous posts, what ever happened to equality of sexes. The first time my husband asks me what to wear or what to take on holiday will be the last. I would be insulted if he told me what to wear and take away and I would expect him to feel the same if I told him, he is after all an adult not a child.
Fair comment, but my children have got more sense than their father. While he's an intelligent man his dress sense is abominable. His idea of matching is that 2 items of clothing come from the same drawer. He has been known to wear black sports socks with open toe sandals and shorts, and if I wasn't there he wouldn't think nothing of wearing a hankie with 4 knots in on his head. I know it might sound funny but it's true. Even on a night out here I have to lay his clothes out for him. Its not that he can't be bothered he just hasn't got any taste at all!
His idea of matching is that 2 items of clothing come from the same drawer.
Brilliant, like it

He has been known to wear black sports socks with open toe sandals and shorts, and if I wasn't there he wouldn't think nothing of wearing a hankie with 4 knots in on his head. I know it might sound funny but it's true.

Similar to Helen. Have to lay his clothes out. Not that he asks me but because he's got no interest in fashion or looking good and I have (at least I like to think so). He looks so smart when he tries I just fancy him all over again
I must have a very brave son. One year he booked a surprise holiday to Cyprus for himself and his wife, packed her suitcase then got his sister and her husband to drive them to the airport, telling his wife that it was them going away and he was to drive their car back. It was not until they got to the airport that she found out and not until half way through the week that she learned they were staying for a fortnight. You will be pleased to learn that she forgave him quite quickly.
This thread is hilarious.
Although reading it all I can't help but think 'awww - it's all really quite endearing'.
Hi Judith! How lucky you are. If hubby was to pack for himself the 1st thing would be a bright red 3 year old Arsenal shirt for the plane, the 2nd would be a 10 year old canary yellow vest covered in fluorescent grafitti and the 3rd would be a pair of orange crimpolene thread bare trunks which go see through the minute you hit the water. Now if that isn't bad enough, bear in mind that hubby is 51 years old with a waistline that almost matches his age- so you can see why I buy & pack his clothes.
I used to have a similar problem to most of you. I say similar because although I would deal with mine and kids clothes my husband would go and buy all of his and just pile them on the bed for me to pack. Must say his taste in clothes is pretty good so I never used to have any worries there. Now it is even better. We have recently moved to Tenerife and although hubby is in yUK due to his work I no longer have to pack any of his clothes because all his summer stuff is here already for when he visits us every few weeks. All he has to pack before he comes is anything new that he has bought and wants out here and my Mellow Birds into a holdall and all I do is hang it up {not the Mellow Birds}

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