Moved to complaints from General in the hope one of the experts will be able to help.
I have experienced sleeping in at the start of the holiday and having the taxi at the door- not the best start and OH wouldn't speak to me for ages because I was supposed to put the alarm on. So I can sympathise

it may of been your 1st holiday abroad but me personally would of used another alarm to make sure i was definatly up

if you complain about this you wont get anywhere! look at it from another point if the coach had waited for you its a good chance there may of been other passengers sharing thhis coach that were due to fly into another airport they could of missed check in because of the hold up

funnily enough we now use 2 alarm clocks!
so do i........... i wouldnt take the risk!!!
Does anybody know if I can claim anything back (ie taxi fare) for having to make our own way to the airport from the hotel on leaving day?
No chance at all. Sorry.
My votes a "NO" as well.
Not quite sure what I would have said to the TO or insurance company if we had missed the flight.
Absolutely not. Never in a trillion years.
When I was a transfer rep, this happened to me. I had to get some poor soul out of bed because they mis-read 04.00 for 16.00. I had to leave without them and they had to get taxi quick-smart! Its not fair to the other guests who are ready to go and sitting of the coach waiting.
It sounds harsh but all the TO will say is it is your responsibility to make sure you are up and ready at the appointed time. If the coach had never turned up then that would be a different case altogether.
Sorry! Forget it and put it down to experience!

best to put it behind you and concentrate on the rest of your holiday- hopefully you enjoyed your first venture abroad

You were lucky the rep phoned you. She could just have gone without you and left you asleep. You'd have had to fork out for new flights.
Thanks guys. Just read my post again and I sound a right mardy donut!! I think I was more upset at myself for not hearing the phone and being up and ready to go than at the rep. She must see it all the time.
I think you've reached the right conclusion there (not that you're a 'mardy donut', but that it wasn't the fault of the rep).
To be honest, if I'd been on a coach to go to the airport and the rep announced that we had to wait for somebody that wasn't ready, I wouldn't have been best pleased and would have probably made you very aware of that fact when you finally boarded.

Just put it down to experience and take your own alarm clock next time.

We used to always take a travel alarm clock on our hols but we just use the alarms on our mobiles now and tend to use them every morning as we'd probably never make it to brekkie

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