Hi everybody I hope this is the right place to post this.
We booked a holiday with on the beach about 4 weeks ago. We are travelling this coming Monday 13th we received our tickets today but they have sent us a total of 12 tickets but none of them are ours.
We are supposed to be travelling from Belfast to Dalaman but these are all travelling from Stanstead to Bodrum and are not in any of our names.
I rang ontbeach tonight but the person I got talking to said their ticketing department was closed and to ring back in the morning.
This is our first diy holiday and I have booked hotel and flights with on the beach and transfers seperate. This is making me extremley nervous, and believe me I am nervous enough about it as we are taking 2 young children!
Hope somebody can put my mind at rest about this. Thanks in advance.
Their ticket department have obviously messed up, just get on the phone tomorrow and they should send you the correct tickets return of post. I have booked many holidays DIY and have never experienced problems, the only difficulty could be with postal strikes we are still experiencing postal delays at work and use special delivery for anything that we must get delivered quickly. Ask them to special d your tickets. You should be fine. Good luck. Alison
Hopefully all will go smoothly.
I was just a bit worried as I have heard some negative comments about his company, but I suppose you can hear negatives about all companies if you look hard enough!
at first they said,pick them up,at the airport,but my friends weren't happy about this,so they relented & sent them by e-mail.
i'm sure it will be o.k
We only live about 20 minutes away from airport so I was considering asking them if I could pick them up early at the weekend or something.

I have visions of us turning up at airport and being told they haven't got them and having 2 very dissapointed kids waiting to go on their holidays.
Hopefully this won't be the case and everything will go smoothly and my nerves are going to hold up!
I will let you all know when we get back how things turned out!

We've had to pick up tickets at the airport before, and although it was a bit nervewracking, everything was ok.
I have just sent them an email asking them to confirm all details by email and I'll print this off and take it with me.
Hopefully they will respond and it will put my mind at rest a bit.

There shouldn't be any problem as tickets are picked up at the airport all the time.

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