Well Data Protection will not go away! It will become more strict. Yeah you can get around it at times! Still it is here to stay.
At times it sounds silly but also at times it is not and we will all appreciate it at times.
Pretending to be someone who you are not and then telling the Bank is not a good idea! The bank is within their right to block the accounts and that will mean no payments! The bank will then report it to the credit agency Experian who will note it on the credit report of the third party!
There is a legal way of acting on behalf of someone in Banking.
I work in an industry were DP is paramount and I will not risk my BLEEP for anyone else! That said paying for a holiday if your not the lead passenger is a little silly but hey what can you do....

Although the agents should maybe ask for ways that payment may be made on booking. So when the payment is due they have the authority.
Then again...if a couple had a bust up and the hubby said 'I will not go away with you. I can't be around you now.' Then say the Mrs pays. Hubby finds out and demands from the travel agency why the payment was taken without his authority since he is lead passenger. Who is right? Who is wrong? A line needs to be drawn somehwere.
Anyway back to Goa.......