We've been twice although I just couldn't remember, but it was a long time ago.
going to kenya soon just wondered does any one know if i can sort my visa out when i arrive at mombasa airport or do i have to sort it out before i go? travel agent doesnt seem to know some say i can some say not! if i can pay it when i arrive how many kenyan shillings per person would it cost? or do they accept sterling? thanks in advance
hi there,we are going next week and it is 50 U.S Dollars on arrival, they dont take kenyan shilling at the airport. you can go online to the kenyan embassy and applybefore you go
Jojo is right - you can also print the form off the website and take it with yoiu, rather than filling it in at the airport. You will also have to fill in an arrival card when you get there. Dollars are best - they definitely won't take shillings and were reluctant to take sterling when we were there in April.
thanks for the replies,i was going to apply and send it off to embassy before we went but i dont fancy my passport getting lost in the post this close to my holidays! so i think i am goin to download the forms fill them in and take them with me,will i still need a separate photo? or because i'm stood there will i not need one?and i think i will have to make sure i get some dollars before we go.
We took photos with us but no-one asked for them. Hope you have a great time!
We are off to Kenya in two weeks on honeymoon. We are doing a week safari and then a week all inclusive at the Voyager. Does anyone have any idea how much money we should take and what currency is best - Kenyan schillings, US Dollars or pound sterling?
We has a week on safari followed by 5 nights at the Voyager in April. The following is an extract from our trip report:
In terms of money, we found that things were more expensive than we had expected (1 litre of water was up to £2 in the hotels). We were on full board on the safari, apart from the first day in Nairobi, and then all inclusive in Mombasa, but still managed to spend £200 while we were there, excluding the drivers tip (we gave him £35 between the two of us). The safari lodges had very poor exchange rates so it is better to try and change your money before you go or while you are in Nairobi if you can.
You can read the whole report here - http://www.holidaytruths.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=98165
You may struggle to get shillings before you go due as you normally have to order them - ours took 2 weeks at M&S. There were loads of exchange counters at the airport in Nairobi so you should be able to change some money when you land. You'll need to take your visa fee in dollars if you haven't already got one as they won't take pounds or shillings. You can take the rest of your money in pounds though - do bear in mind that not everywhere will change travellers cheques and there are no cash points in the game parks.
Hope that helps!
Thanks Corrine, that's really useful. Excellent report too. Can't wait now.
The forecast for Mombasa for the next 10 days is rather cloudy and the BBC shows rain across the whole of mid Afirca. Is this normal for August?
Merged with existing topic.
Hope the weather does improve! I go in 14 days time.
staying at the Club Sea and Ssnd and doin the 3 day tsavo east/west safari.
We have upgraded the flights and the rooms both at the hotel and on safari.
Think i may have overdone my packing

I hope those trousers and sun tops are not new ones as they could get ruined on safari. The dust gets everywhere and doesn't wash off. Best to take old clothes that you won't mind throwing away.

Hope you are having a good time boedaccia (I know you have only been there a day!), we fly out on Monday and we're very excited!
I have just returned from Kenya and found that locals prefer to be tipped in Shillings. We were often being asked to change dollars, pounds and euros for staff in the hotel.
Excursions etc are usually priced in dollars although they will accept shillings and pounds too.
Visas at the airport could be pain in dollars pounds or shillings, most people tended to pay in dollars as this was the cheaper option.

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