Is it just me or does anyone else get a buzz flying to the Far East because somehow the airlines are more exotic, with a mix of passengers from differing countries and faiths, some holidaying some on business and other just returning to their home country. I just don't get the same buzz when I fly on a charter and all the passengers are British holiday makers. I mean I've never seen anyone take a prayer mat to the back of the plane on a First Choice flight.
the funniest I've seen was when we went via Dubai. Emirates check in staff tried in vain to get people to embark, families with small children first, then by row and everyone just ignored them. They kept queuing up and they kept being sent to the back again! And the handluggage!! I had thought that the check in staff had given up that battle but, just before we got on the plane, the tons of excess baggage was forcibly removed
I remember and enjoyed karaoke on Air Asia along with seat bingo, a passenger and cabin crew struggling with a statue of Confucius on Thai Airways (bit tricky to get in the overhead bins). I've seen passengers marched off the plane by soldiers with machine guns on Philippine Airlines. Twice on Malaysian Airlines I've seen passengers taking prayer mats out and conducting prayers in the aisle.
It certainly makes for a more interesting flight.
I think I would hate the karaoke

Have you noticed how many of the hotels have karaoke lounges - usually vey upmarket ones at that.
we had a real laugh in a Hong Kong hotel lounge with karaoke. However, I seem to have escaped them in Thailand

What draws you to Thailand? For me there are many things.When I first went in 2002 I fully expected it to be a one off. I love the culture and the people are so friendly.I love the fact that I can afford a standard of hotel I could not even contemplate anywhere else( outside the Far East). The food is wonderful

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