How far is Palolem to Baga beach by Road? Are there frequent local trains from Canacona to Madgaon and again how long does it take?
What is the distance from Palolem to Colva by road?
Are there family hotels in Palolem?
Anyone has any link to any distance calculator in Goa?
We visited here a couple of years ago and it was very nice. We stayed inNorth Goa but travelled dowen toPalolem to stay for the night in beach shacks. Dont know about any resort hotels though there, it is mainly beach shacks to be honest, very laid back there with loads of beach restaurants and bars!
Just noticed your other questions and it is no where near Baga Beach, you are talking about North Goa as opposed to South Goa and it took us about 3 hrs to get there from Baga by road, though to be fair we didnt rush!
There was a mention of Polelem Beach Resort in under the recommended places to stay - but I could not find any website or other information about this hotel or resort - hence my first post.
The second post with more questions was because I want to stay a few days in the South and then move to Baga.
I've asked for it to be added to our reviews- perhaps someone will be able to review it for us
Thanks Fiona. I have loads of time - two more months to go.. hopefully someone by that time will post something about it.
I finally found it....

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