Hello all, having just got back from our holiday to the Algarve, me and Mrs Holidaymaker talked about one afternoon as we lay on our sun bed on the golden sands of Fisherman Beach was the lack of birds when we were last in Malta. There were seagulls flying all around and if we went inland there lots of Swallows and Martins and even Falcons, the only birds I seem to remember in Malta were the one in cages when walking through M-dina.
Has anybody else noticed this.
Yes it is such a shame that a lot of the Maltese shoot or trap these birds. There are plenty of sparrows though

Valletta was full of birds the other week, mostly out shopping or getting their hair done
Valletta was full of birds the other week, mostly out shopping or getting their hair done
Ahh a man after my own heart, a keen bird watcher

Would mind trapping a couple of my own
Now then Graham, clalm down its not good for you and you could get locked up, at your age.
Hello Sliema2 & Graham, here are pretty hot birds for you both.
Mind you can't ever remember seeing many seagulls and for a small Island surrounded by sea, I must admit that seems a bit odd,

good video ! the owners of Ta Cenc have resubmitted their development plans, and the planning authorities should be making a final decision in 5 weeks or so. PM me with any questions, as I know the owners read this website !
Looks like you'll be getting involved again! We will be in Malta in October so I suppose we'll be reading all about it in the Malta Times. We have to buy this paper to bring back to our family as they're always interested in things that happen in Malta.
Have you got any calendars left as I would like some if possible and it's too late to get them when we come in October. I've forgotten the website for them.
The dogs have still got their tags on, although one has lost its colour as the dog is always going in ponds and rolling in the wet grass, the others are like new still and we were all very pleased with them.
Do you know if the programme you were in has appeared on English TV yet as I've been looking and not seen it.
Hope you are keeping well.
Sorry mods I put this on the wrong forum - meant to send a pm. Can you please erase it
the new Gozo SPCA calendars for 2008 should be ready in the next couple of weeks, as will the new selection of Christmas cards - they will appear here http://www.spca-gozo.org/SPCA%20merchandise.htm
glad to hear the discs have survived OK !
as for my small screen appearance - next Spring is the likely date !
Tell you one of the many things that I really miss is a nice big savoury arrancina washed down with a freezing cold pint of Kinnie with a slice of lemon, sheer lunch time bliss.
the new Gozo SPCA calendar and the new cards are now showing on the website !
They are very colourful with a different animal or animals on each month and are very striking. The proceeds for these go to a very good cause helping the SPCA to eradicate animal suffering on Gozo.

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