I have just returned from Zante and had a bad allergic reaction to some kind of bite and am looking for advice!
I got bitten within 2 days on my calf twice and my whole calf swelled up almost twice the size and was rock solid. The skin bubbled up like some kind of burn and healed after about 4 days, but at one point I could barely walk. I then got bitten 3 other times, once on my thigh where an area the size and shape of a dinner plate went bright red and very hard. The only way I can describe it is my skin was like a drum, pulled really tight. This happened after 24 hours of noticing the initial bite, and 24 hours after that, I developed a huge yellow blister over the bite which was about 4 inches square, this happened on all 3 bites, although they weren't all that size.
Tricky thing is, I don't know what it is that's biting me, I presume it's mozzies, but could it be anything else?Sandflies or anything like that?It's really (scuse the pun) bugging me!I'm really worried about going abroad next year and it happening again, so will speak to my doctor next time I'm there but thought someone here might have an idea what it is and how I prevent it?
Also, I was using insect repellant and after the first one was also taking anti-inflammatories and anti-histamines as well as covering the bites in steroid cream or antiseptic!!
I also had a mouth and lips problem as if everything was on fire. The local chemist was the man who sorted us out.
Local knowledge counts for a lot.
As a result he went to his G.P again before his holiday this year, to see if he could take antibiotics with him as a precaution (refused!). He was quite worried as this holiday was for 2 weeks. However, although he did have a few bad bites, nothing developed into an infection this time.
I think certain people are susceptible- the luck of the draw!
It sounds like it could be a Horse Fly. They have nasty bites. My Dad got bitten by one on the hand, and it swelled up like a balloon and was quite bad.
Just come back from Menorca were I got bit on the ear lobe it came up like a cauliflower ear on the back like a volcano and just under my which thank god did'nt come up.I use anthisan and it seems to make the puss come out,but they are still painful and very very itchy.Don't know why they always make a meal out of me.I also use repelant.
if you walked through rough grassland/ fields it may also be a Tic
i agree with tishtosh , same thing happened to my mother in law in turkey 2 years ago, she had huge blisters on her legs and badly swollen and sadly they have left scars, hers were caused by horse flies
I have the same problems in the UK,Portugal etc ended up at the hospital for anti-histamine injections. In Portugal years ago i was taken by ambulance to hospital at 05.30 with a red line up my arm throbbing and so painfull, I think its just something in your body make-up that causes the reaction. I now run like a headless chicken if i see a wasp, bee, fly or what have you whether it be in the UK OR ABROAD.Tried all the remedies to disract them but they still dont work and zoom in on me like bees round a honey pot. Cheers Jayjan
it was there first ever holiday abroad and the chap got bit in the night by mossis and when he got up in the morning it looked like a severe case of measels.
they all got infected within houres and he ended up in hospital with blood poisoning..
felt realy sorry for them as the wife had to try and cope with 3 young babes and vistiting him in hospital,bet he wont go abroad again....
its just mossies bite nearly everyone some people just dont react well other people dont hardley notice..
its just the luck of the draw i'm afraid..

this happened to hy husband 2 years ago in cuba never seen blisters like that, poor thing had to walk around with bandages on his ankles because they were so sore, next time he is going to try anti- histamines and garlic capsules before we go.

Can't offer no advice, only when I walked the dog, I used to spray myself with the insect repellant, and touch wood, the little buggers left me alone

hy malcomhelen start to take them at least 5 days befor you go so they are in your sytem we have to do that for our little boy bless him

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