Hi All, we are travelling to Brugge this Friday for 6 nights, however we have just realised that Friday is a national public holiday in Belgium, does this mean that the bars and restaurants in Bruges will be open or shut ? also will the trains run as normal from Brussels ?, all help on this would be greatley appreciated.
Is it better to go by Eurotunnel or Eurostar. Once you get of the train which is the most direct and easiest route.
I am looking to stay over one night. With Eurostar is the connecting train close by.
Many thanks.
sorry have only been on the ferry from Hull but Bruges is great enjoy !
Wouldn't this be better in the Belguim forum? Last time checked Bruges was in belgium!
Belgium is part of the Benelux countries, so it's in the right forum. Benelux was a trading partnership between BElgium NEtherlands LUxemburg, so the acronym BENELUX came into being. As one of the posts said you'll enjoy yourself no matter which way you get there

Hi Janey, we always fly to Belgium from Manchester, you can either fly to Brussels whch takes about an hour or so then catch a train from the airport to Brussels Midi then catch on direct in to Brugge whci takes just over an hour or so, you can also fly in to Antwerp and catch a regular train from there to Brugge also, but which ever way you go I am sure you will enjoy it, Brugge is a very special place especially if you like chocolate and beer.
Janey , we sometimes take the car and go via Eurotunnel.
Has anyone been to Bruges recently. If so can you recommend good places to stay and eat in. Thanks.
am running out of time to book my accom in Brugge...has anyone been to Hotels Jacobs or Ter Reien and are they okay?
If not, aNy hotel recommendation you can give would be appreciated...we want somewhere central, nice room and ideally a pool - budget is about £300 for five nights so hoping to get somewhere decent for that!
please help if you can!

MsH, sorry I haven't beem to Brugge (but I have been to Croatia, that's how I read your question

I have been so stressed trying to get my hol organised that i didn't pay sufficient attention to where to post my question...although my post and your reply seem to be in the forum you mentioned

or am i just being dolly once again

anyhoo, thanks for replying - my accom search continues, at least i finally have the flights booked

p s mods, did you move my message to the Northern Europe forum? I have noticed when you do this with other peeps you usually let them know...i am confused

yes I moved it but didn'tpm as you can also access it from the Eastern Europe forum.
Largely on the advice of this site, we are off for a five night break in Bruges at the weekend...any advice about stuff to see and do, day trips and also costs of food, drink and travel would be really helpful.
Also, if anyone can give me some advice about getting from the airport in Brussels to Bruges (an idiot's guide

Sliema2, if you are reading this, you convinced me that Bruges was the way to go, but now I need some info!
Thanks in advance

for any questions about Belgium (Flanders) give me a shout coz Im a Belgian woman..
Travelling to the UK with eurostar is so easy so I think it will be the same vice versa

groetjes (greetings in Dutch)
Dear M&H, sorry for not being able to reply but I have had no notifications about your replies and this isn't a forum that I spend a lot of time in these days, had I known I would of happily helped you out, however I hope that you had a great time in a great place and didn't over do it on the Belgian beer.
thinking of bruges for our honeymoon but plan on taking our 16yr old laddie with us... is there plenty of things to do for us? can we travel for the day to amsterdam? if so how and how long does it take to get to? Will be travelling by ferry from roysth fife with superfast so any info will be apprieciated
Would Amsterdam be by car or train? And what time of year would this be?

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