I know, I know, It's suppose to be a holiday!
But with 3 kids in tow, I'm going to need to do laundry.
We are lucky enough to have hired a private villa in SandyRidge.
It has washer & dryer and all things domestic.
But that washer don't look like my frontloading Hotpoint!
Its a top loader!
How do they work?
Was thinking of taking some of those gel capsule thingys with me to save buying it out there.
Does anyone know whether I can pack that sort of thing in my case?
Can I use them in the 'TOP LOADER' washers?
And what about dishwasher tabs?
Will I be allowed to bring my own in my case?
I just don't want to be spending money on ridiculous things like this when I get there!
I want to be taking as little clothes as possible so I can bring more back!