Oh you lot are so hard to please

Not sure about Baga Colleen other than CSM, Boscos and O'Pescador but hey......thats enough to be going on with

Miccie, I dare you to sing at Karaoke now - you and me, guns at dawn and all that


Sleeps - don't know.....sorry, but i will ask him. If you saw him, you would know defo eye candy

Even at my age (51) nearly typed 510 then

...I can admire a younger model - wouldn't know what on earth to do with it mind

(don't listen to my daughter who seems to have registered on here without telling me)

Anyway thats OFF TOPIC.. (sorry Fiona) Joeys a great guy, tall, slim, bronzed, long dreads.....shame he's married but hey, so am I

Just have fun at the karaoke, doesn't matter if you can't sing a note - its just fun and anyway, nobody knows you so you don't have to be embarrassed (they are all back in the UK while you are having fun in Goa)

2 more sleeps to go (wrong topic).