A lot of old posts were deleted to make the move easier. These were mostly weather topics or who's going where/when type posts. There was also a clear out of some pre-2005/2006 posts which were no longer current or relevant.
Maybe the *Post Count* feature should be disabled like it was before? You can always see how many posts you have made in your own profile, or at least you could.
The post count displayed under your avatar can sometimes give an indication to another poster looking for information that you might know the answer to their question, it might not necessarily be the case, but if you've managed to tot up a post count of quality posts in several forums, then you obviously know your way around the site and could help someone with what might seem (to a new member) a trivial question to post on the board, and therefore the poster might prefer to contact you via PM.
I can confirm that this has happened with myself and the subject of resizing and hosting avatars, when after reading the instructions that are already on the board, they still don't understand them and I've been there myself at one point.
Some forums have stars and other gadgets like "valued member" "gold member" on display to give other members an idea of the above.
Now I know you are going to say that they can find this information by looking in your profile, but some new members might not do this and the search facility is a good example of being "under used" otherwise we wouldn't have the same questions being raised by several members, sometimes in the same week and believe it or not, I very rarely use the search button or look in profiles myself.

The post count only becomes an issue, if you (not you personally) make it an issue.
If every now and then because the forum needs "cleaning up" of irrelevant posts and you lose a few post counts, then think of it as losing a button on your coat
You'll still be able to fasten your coat with the remaining buttons and in time you'll get around to sewing the button back on ..in time you'll get the post count back.
It really shouldn't be that important to you because at the end of the day, it is what you write that's important and not how many points/posts you can notch up.
I really hope that we don't step backwards and make an issue out of this, to cause explanation everytime a "clear out" is needed.
sanji wrote:I really hope that we don't step backwards and make an issue out of this, to cause explanation everytime a "clear out" is needed.
That's happened in the past Sanj as I'm sure you remember, what a hoo-hah over numbers!
Of course it shouldn't always be assumed that a high post count indicates a very helpful member, some will post a load of old nothing just to get in the chat room (we know who you are and we know what you're wearing!

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