Server upgrade new topic test
Server upgrade new reply test.
ah that's why i was getting a white page showing VAN
Yep Ray we had some scheduled downtime from 2pm till 4pm but we managed to get it back online sooner
Test Col
Just before 2 pm, I posted in the Costa Blanca forum, when we came back on line, I realised that I needed to edit my post, as I had got the "years" wrong.

It won't let me edit, I can edit the post, but when I hit the submit button a "general error " page comes up and when I try to go back or refesh the page, it won't let me.
Also my post now contains accentuated "A's" in places where they shouldn't be or where you would use them....I know I was using a Spanish keyboard, but I certainly didn't put them there and they weren't there before 2 pm.
I am aware Sanji and working on clearing the error on edits and large posts and also the strange characters....
Thanks for your prompt reply
I believe I have fixed the general error now and all should be well.
However please feel free to post any further errors if you happen to find any.....
I won't shout...honest!!!

Now that's what I call dedication!
I'm surprised he (VAN) missed his beauty sleep
There comes a point in ones life where the excuse of beauty sleep becomes...well...a visible excuse....IE it no longer works...


yip, ive reached that stage
I've made several attempts to upload a wmv video and it's not having it.

I find the file by clicking browse and it inserts it into the box, I type the description and date in the box below and then click "add file".
It tried to open the pop up window/box showing the upload or download rate( I never get the hang of it going up or down) but then it struggles for ages before shooting back to the page that you first see when clicking "new topic".
Ps While I have your attention, the royalty thingy in the rules.?
Does this mean I can't put music behind my video's from CD's that I have in my possession, anymore ?
After the pagejumps back and the popup the preview the video there? Can you play it?
If so then the upload was successful.
Re the music, yes, I'm sorry but that can't be used.

The pop up never opens up. it tried on the first attempt and hasn't since.
It struggles with the green bar on the bottom of my computer, trying to open page whatever.

Re the music....that's a bummer, my video's are gonna be as boring as Thompsons now....I'm not a happy bunny

I don't think that'll ever be the case!!!
Due to the server upgrade a setting in one of the server files was set too small...I have increased the allowed uplad size and you should be able to upload now with no problem.
Ok a few more settings altered and can confirm upload is now working.

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