We went on a holiday in January to the Howard Johnson Maingate West hotel in Florida. While we were there a couple of the children took ill with sore throats,one of the children had to have medical treatment for the condition,this was put down to the air conditioning system that was very smelly and noisy. as a consequence of this the holiday company (my travel) refunded us just under £900 as a good will gesture in the form of a voucher that was for use with them on another holiday we might take in the future with them. In the mean time we have had what equates to the same amount of money taken from our bank account by the hotel. When we have phoned them about this matter ,they told us it was because my travel did not pay them for our stay at their hotel. we now find ourselves almost £900 out of pocket with the hotel and my travel both blaming each other for the problem and neither of them willing to refund us our money. We would appreciate any advice anyone could give us on how we can resolve this matter
kindest regards
I would phone Ros Fernihough with this one on 01922 621114 asap. Ros is a travel law solicitor who often assists our members and is well known to the tour operators,
The hotel is playing tit for tat. When a TO makes an award of compensation to a guest for the shortcomings of a hotel, they then re-charge this amount to the accomodation owner. This is what has happened in this instance.
They are well out of order and the hotel owner should be taking this up with MYT, not you.
Certainly you should contact Ros asap and it also would not hurt to contact MYT. They may also be able to shed some light and help you.
when did they take the money
I would telephone My Travel Customer Services and tell them about the credit card debit. I'm sure that they will sort it out with the hotel and either a refund applied to your credit card or My Travel sending you a cheque for the charge.
the hotel took the credit card details as it is standard practice to do so in america
Your contract is/was with MYT and it would appear that you are caught in the middle of a dispute between MYT and the hotel.
They will put the matter into dispute until it is resolved and will claim back the money from the hotel.
The advice from Glynis re contacting Ros is your best way forward in this.
Make sure you register your complaint with the bank ASAP. There is a time limit for these refund claims and if you wait for the usual 28 day a time rounds of correspondence with MyTravel you could lose this avenue.
firstly ty all for your support in this matter..........an a happy new year to you all..............in reply to some of the answers you have given us.we have contacted myt who seem to have washed their hands of it (myt who incidentally are now owned by Thomas cook) and the credit card company have placed it in dispute. I now intent to phone Ros Fernihough and see what advice she can offer...it just seems all so unfair that they feel they can treat us (the little people) in this way..the daftest thing is we have already booked our next holiday with these people (before all this came to light) for 15 people who we have paid a deposit of £130 each for and the balance is due in 3 weeks time.so far 5 people have pulled out all willing to lose their £130 each as a protest and its looking like the rest of us are going to follow suit .anyway ive waffled on enough now..ty all for listening lol
Do let us know what Ros says and keep us updated Ian
I dont know if it is possible but I have just had a dispute (not for a holiday) where money was taken from my bank account on direct debit,to cut a long story short my bank indemnified the amount,maybe your credit card company can do the same.I have won the resulting money dispute
today we have had over a dozen phone calls with different people from myt and Thomas cook staff......eventually after over 4 hours we finally got a lady who teold us we will be receiving a cheque for the full amount t.aht they owe us.....if the cheque does arrive within the next 7 days as promised it will be a good outcome for us.........but the fact still remains that we had to fight for several months to get to where we are now .so why oh why could this of not been resolved a lot earlier (a sceptic may say they didnt want to give us it back) anyway we still dont know what made them change their minds on the matter ..........COULD IT BE THAT WE HAD TO SHOUT IN THE END? or the fact that we used ros's name ant the name .i guess we will never know .but id would like to say a big ty to all of you who gave us advice on this matter ........and i will be letting all my friends know of this very useful site
Let us know when you do finally get the cheque so we know that all is well.
Feel free to stick around and visit some of our other forums as you may glean a lot of information for future holidays.

I fully intend to stick around .this site has been a great eye opener for me..........in fact my daughter is getting married in the dom rep in 2009 and i will be looking out for all the best places to stay

Sometimes I think these companies know they are in the wrong all along and that they will have to give the moniey back to the customer in the end. They just like to keep it in their bank account as long as possible and let the customer telephone many premium line phone numbers in the interim.

One of the things I really dislike about checking in to hotels in America is that you have to give them a swip of your credit card details.Not that I have ever had anything like this happen to me, but I feel it opens up all sorts of negative possibilities.
A couple of years ago I stayed in a hotel in Memphis with my parents. I booked both rooms but on arrival we paid for ours by credit card and my parents paid for theirs. No problems. However, when we got back my parents were also debited for our room as the hotel said it had lost our credit card details. The hotel refused to refund my parents until we had paid and we refused to pay until my parents had been refunded or until such time as we could confirm we are own credit card company that we also hadn't been debited. My parents contacted their bank who disputed the amount as an unauthorised debit and they got their money back immediately.
Just letting you know we have received the cheque from myt and have used it towards paying off the balance on our latest holiday'I would like to thank you all again for your imput and advice, one little gripe is " why do these companies do this to us when they know they are in the wrong and they know they have to pay us the monies they owe us eventually"
Anyway at least its sorted now and we can look forward to teneriffe (well 10 of us can the other 5 droped out because of all this carry on)Maybe that will be a lesson to the travel companies but i doubt it somehow
Best regards
Thanks for updating us Ian.
Assuming that their is not an appeal it could be good news for travellers.

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