Hi. im a newby, found your sight by chance whilst looking for a late deal to Egypt.
It was then that i realized giong to Egypt is not a simple as i thought, ie visas, inoculations ect...
So i was hoping for some advice on these subjects and also recomendations for all-inclusive hotels...
We, myself (woman travelling alone)... and two teenage children, boy 15 and girl 17, are hoping to find something for the next four weeks, travelling around 18th and 21 febuary for two weeks...
Anybody got any good sugestions for us and also have we left it too late for inoculations...
We have been to Tunisia and Morroco and havent had any problems with illness but i am a bit occ on hand washing and carry anti-bac hand wash every where.
I would like somewhere that has lots of activities to keep the kids entertained as some places tend to forget the teenagers on holidays and also my son has ADHD and needs to be kept on the go...
They are both very sporty but i also like the thought of them being able to actually swim in the sea thats not freezing cold this time of year..
Anyway, thanks for your time, Debbie. x
As the time you are looking at travelling includes the Feb school half-term there may be less availability but having said that, we are travelling with Airtours and whilst the 7 night flight is fully booked, our holiday is available for 14 nights and at a reasonable price.
Hope you find the holiday you are looking for! Cazz

Hi, You dont say what kind of budget you are on and the following might prove a bit expensive. However, the three most popular AI hotels with folk on this board seem to be The Coral Sea Resort. The Red Sea Holiday Village and the Hilton Sharks Bay.
Look at http://www.eclipsedirect.co.uk for the first two and http://www.portlanddirect for the later.
You can DIY the hilton by getting your own flights with people loke http://www.xl.com and booking the hotel on http://www.hilton.co.uk
XL will also put a package together for you
These seem to attract more Brits so might be better for your two teens.
You should be able to manage with one room which will hopefully keep the costs down. There will be cheaper AI than these, but if something is very cheap read the reviews in case the food is iffy.
You could also try web-sites like
who will put together a flight and hotel for you.
Come back to us if you need any further info
Good Luck, Doe
My docs is now closed for the afternnon - do i need them? and have i left it too last if i do (off on 10th Feb) And im pregnant if this makes any difference?
LA (now in a panic

You only need hep A and Typhoid and most GP surgerys hold these anyway, ours were done by the nurse.
The others are just 'the triple' which we have in this country anyway ie. Dip/Tet/Polio which presumably you have had.
You dont need malaria drugs etc.
Check about the pregnancy though, it may well make a difference.
Although its westernised the water is no good, which is what all the food (salads, fruit) will be washed in and what your ice will be made from.
Thanks - Im off scouring the site for further info. Will check with the docs in the morning - Cant belive ive been such a dope
Just thought , Beautiful Red Sea, never gave it a second thought about picking up any thing, dont even know if i will need mozzy repelents, and what about other creepy crawlies bitting me...
Dont know what to do, so wanted too try somewhere new, dont know wether its a good idea to stick to what i know...
Just been reading a review about a woman being touched up by a barman whilst in the hotel... OMG... I m sooo confused now, especially with the added responsability of travelling alone with the kids...
Just reading about innoculations in pregnancy - it would seems the risks in getting them done outweigh the risks of not having them - but still would have to sort out jabs for DH & DD5. I will just have to be careful with my water, ice & salads
Sorry for highjacking your thread

Regarding the incident of the lady being touched I can say when I was there there were quite a few ladies on their own with their children and none complained of any untoward behaviour from any of the staff,they were all lovely and I think the waiter in question has been "dealt with"!Jay
I have been checking out the holiday village and they have select and swim up rooms available, does anyone know if its worth paying the very small amount to upgrade and which rooms are the best too opt for ???
my son has seen the holiday village and got really excited about it, does anyone know how far it is to reach shops or a village and wether the H.V has a ATM ?, as i only have a bank card that i can use at the cash point, its not a chip and pin that i can use to pay for things and i dont want to be stuck miles from anywhere without access to my bank...
I have also seen a one at Thomsons, The Jaz Mirrabel Beach, does anyone know if this place is any good ???
Anyway, thanks again and its been nice finding this place on the net and getting such good advice from very nice peeps...tara for now...Debbie...x
The Holiday Village is in Nabq bay which is like a mini Naama bay without the hassle.There are shops,bars and restaurants(even a Macdonalds) just outside the hotel.The Jaz Mirabelle is the very last hotel at the very northern end.My friend went here in November and she said it was very quiet on an evening and nothing outside the hotel.I cant remember if there was an ATM but a van with an ATM used to come outside the hotel, but I think there are banks in Nabq bay now.The swim up rooms are lovely but this time of year the water is freezing unless you are very brave.I like an upstairs room and we were in block 6 which had a kids den with bunk beds and a play station,off the main bedroom.Have you seen the photos on here and other websites?They really dont do the place justice,as it really is great especially for children.

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