Hi all
Apologies because I'm sure this can;t be an original subject but searching revealed nothing.
I have a son who is just 12 months old and, in my opinion, too young yet to travel to Goa.
In November he'll obviously be about 22 months so do you think that is old enough? Feb/ March 09 just over 2 years, how about that age?
I'm not worried about things for him to do, more about the practicalities like the journey time, heat, malaria, food & food poisoning, that sort of thing.
I know many of you have taken your children to Goa from reading through the posts but how old was your child when you first took them?
Or how, old or perhaps more importantly at what stage of their development (we all develop at different speeds), do you think your child should be?
Made sure he had all his jabs, i got the syrup anti malari protection, and the spray repellant.
He was already on solid foods, but mostly he didnt have anything from the restaurants or beach shacks, just had lots of bottled water, fruit that was washed in bottled water.
We took the cow and gate baby food in the packets were you just add hot boiled water.
He was also on the progress milk, and i took a travel stiriliser.
I have taken him back nearly every year, he is now 4 and loves it.
Ive got to admit though, when the time comes to having more children, im not sure if i could handle taking him or her to Goa that young again, it was hard work regarding the flights.
I think when i do have another baby in a couple of years i will wait until he/she is eating solid food, not drinking baby milk.
Nappies arent too much of a problem, as they are widely available in Goa, but you would have to take swimming nappies as i havent seen these in Goa.
We stayed in Baga, and took him to Bernards Place most evenings for a little roast. They expected us in the end. My husband would whizz up there at about 5.30pm order George's dinner and have a drink while me and George got ready, so by the time we got there, his dinner was waiting ( he was at that age, when there was no concept of waiting, so when he decided he was hungry he wanted it immediately. He would eat his dinner, then I'd put him in the buggy with his bottle and he'd fall asleep on the way back to our hotel. We'd then meet up with the rest of the group and most evenings he's be asleep from then on, so we could have a nice peaceful meal with the others, while he slept in the buggy next to us with a mozzy net covering him up.
During the day he was eat from the shack, fish fingers ( their version, tiny bit spicey sometimes, but nice, noodles or rice ) I took snacks with us like quavers and mini cheddars ( as they were the only crisps he would eat then ) I also took raisins, but he had lots of fruit from the fruit ladies aswell.
He had all the jabs, but I wasn't aware that there was another form of anti-malarial, so we didn't use anything, just made sure he had plenty of repellant and was well covered ( long trousers and sleeves and the mozzy net )
He loved playing on the beach and digging, we took one of those tiny paddling pools with us, and my husband and one of boys from the shack fille dit up in the sea and carried it back. He would then sit under an umbrella and play in the sand and water.
It was a fabulous holiday and took him back again Jan 07, when he was 3 and a half, again we had a super time. We have a 5 month old daughter now, so can't go this year, but are just sorting out for 2009, when Erin will be 18months old. Can't wait to see her running up and down the beach just like George did.
You have to take alot of stuff and under 2's don't have a baggage allowance but then again they are virtually free. And even if you went to Europe you would still need to take loads of stuff.
So I would definately recommend taking little ones to GOA, it is the best place on the planet !!
we took our grandson at one year old he is 4years old now and we go for every christmas and he loves inda
We also got fish fingers from the shacks, fresh fish in breadcrumbs very nice, with beans and chips
loved going to baskin robbins ice cream shop with me although we would eat it across the road so i could get a beer

Thanks for these. Think I'm going to try to convince the wife we should go in November
He had a great time and he ate most things.
But we found that feeding him about 5 from the shack on the beach was best, they did toated sandwiches, called in Pizzas etc.
We took our two children the first time when my daughter was 22 months old and my son was 3 and a half and then again two years later. She wasn't quite potty trained when we arrived but being around the beach shack helped get her there by the end of the holiday. She spent a lot of time in the shade of the beach shack playing in the sand.
Food was no problem, they both ate bananas, washed fruit, sandwiches (made in the beach shack), pancakes which they loved with honey and banana and we put their malaria tablets in the ice cream tubs that we had each day at the beach shack. Oh, they both had 2 boiled eggs at breakfast each day which filled them up too! noodles and fried rice were also popular choices at evening time along with cauliflower cheese!
They both loved Goa and want us to take them back.....going to Fuerteventura this year instead,.....but not quite the same as GOA!!!

We used P20 on both children which we applied as soon as we got up as it takes 45 mins to work. My daughter is incredibly fair and a redead! and she didnt actually change colour! I would highly recommebd this P20 as you only have to apply it once a day too which is great.

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