cockroaches are brown, not black, aren't they ?
This was September they could have been soaking up some rays.
Cockroaches come in both brown and black. Vee dee - LOL

I know every country has them, but I have been to Malta many times and never seen them in the numbers I saw there - normally only see the odd one here and there, but this place was overrun by them. We havethem here in England too I know. What I really want to know is - is Malta more prone to them than other mediterranean countries?
Don't worry about them, just go and enjoy your holiday in magical Malta, in my opinion it's better to be there in that fabulous little country with cockroaches galore than in the modern day laughing stock and dump that is the uk, the cockroaches won't hurt you.
Eastpoint, If you saw lots during the day it,s possible the pest control paid a visit and poisened them, or maybe they were refugees from another establishment. The German ginger flying ones are the most interesting to watch. I dont know if Malta has more than anywhere else it,s hard to do a head count but the last one i saw was cracked on the bottom of my bare foot last october as we crossed paths without seeing each other, that one was a brown and creamy crackle colour. (fact).
Sliema, don't worry, we are still booked in to go to Malta and back to the same hotel, so the cockroaches aren't putting us off. Just wondered why there seemed to be so many of them last year and, if in fact, they are cockroaches, must think they must be. Cheers.
If it's of any value to you I can remember going to the Magic Isles in Aug 83 and we were inundated with little brown house type flies. We thought this was the norm but we found out it sometimes happens when the wind blows in from Africa. Although there are always flies in Summer we've never ever experienced such large numbers since. I reckon it was just one those times when the cockroach population had 'exploded' cause I have to say we've never had a problem with them after all the many visits we've had to Malta.
Enjoy your visit and let's all know if you have a problem with 'cockraoches',
Thanks for that Trev. Let's hope it was just a one-off invasion of the cockroaches. Anyway, still wont be put off Malta, just love the place.

I spotted a rare black large millipede last year and as I was trying to point it out to my wife Sue, she stepped back and accidently trod on it!
I once got a small boy to tread on a cockroach by doulbe dareing him to, as I was afraid to do it myself.
what was the cockroach called ?
When we took our grand daughter aged 3 to Malta she nearly stood on a cock roach. She looked down and said "oh thats a big bug" but she really sounded the 'g' in bug and we thought she had said 2 thats a big bugg**" !!!
It probably was a big bugg**". I'd give your grandaughter 10 out of 10 for observation at her her age!!!


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