My daughter was due to fly out to jfk with ba on friday night, there flight from manchester to london, was delayed, so ba put them on a britsh midlands plane, which was also delayed, making them miss there flight to new york on friday night.
ba put them up on friday night in a hotel. And transfered them on a kuwait flight yesterday afternoon. Which departed on time, and there now in there hote.
Problem starts, out of 8 of the people travelling, 3 suitcases failed to turn up.
so in jfk, they visit the kuwait desk and fill forms in.
Since 6.00am this morning i've been getting information on where the suitcases are.
Upshot is kuwait airlines have them and are forwarding the 3 cases on to jfk on there flight on tuesday.
problem they return on tuesday night with ba.
I've spent ages trying to get kuwait to release the cases and put them on british airways flight, as there are 4 leaving today. British airways have said to me, they will accept the suitcases, so i rings back kuwait, who said they will release the 3 bags.
Rings ba back to say that kuwait are releasing the 3 bags and sending them back to ba, and they should receive them within 2 hours. But i speaks to a different person, who tells me that there is no gaurantee that the baggage will go on a flight.
so i rings kuwait airlines back, and tells them that ba said that they kuwait airlines (well it's actually americal baggage handling company) have to upload the bags onto a flight.
So american baggage handling company, put a stop to the transfering of the bags, as the guy says that at least he has the bags where he can find them. And if he sends them to ba, the bags can just be stuck anywhere, and are not gauranteed to get on a flight today or tomorrow to new york.
My daughter isn't to bad, as she is sharing a room with 3 other girls and can share stuff of them, ie toilitries, but she will now have to go shopping for clothes.
But the other 2 ladies whos case are with my daughters are not in the same hotel, as my daughter and they are sharing a room, and have no luggage between them, also they have no phone connection, as there chargers were in the suitcase along with one of the ladies medication.
Where do we stand, is my daughter and the other 2 able to go out and buy clothes and essentials (hair straighteners)
who do we claim of, and how much is a resonable price to pay for clothing.

Have you asked Kuwait or BA if they will give an allowance for emergencies ?
Are they insured ? There should be a clause in that about missing luggage etc., ? Im not sure about the medication Chris, as that should have gone in han d luggage.
Have you checked out the t&C of both airlines - you may get a clue there.
Kath x
So we've decided to leave the bags in england and they can pick them up on the way back on wed aft.
Daughter is now shopping in new york, she needs a posh frock and shoes for a do tomorrow night. Otherwise she wouldn't have been to bad. As she could have wore her jeans all the time, and just bought some t-shirts.
But the worse thing is her hair straighteners are in the case

They can't be bothered contacting anyone now, as they've not long in new york.
They are insured, but there insurance will only give them £100 for loss or delayed luggage, which is better than nothing.
I'm more annoyed at the fact, that yesterday ba had 3 flights going out to new york, with seats on them, but they wouldn't transfer them to these flights as the seats were business class.
We have just returned from a Costa cruise flying from Aberdeen to Heathrow and then on to Dubai, all flights with BA. Upon arrival at Dubai hubby's suitcase did not arrive and had not been put on the plane at LHR. Worse thing was this was about midnight and the cruise ship was due to leave Dubai at 1pm the next day for Muscat (Oman). Hubby had nothing apart from the clothes on his back. Worse still my hairdryer and brushes were in his case

The next morning hubby was really frustrated at having nothing else and the Customer Service Manager on the ship advised to buy new clothes. Very limited on the ship with one shop with very limited choice. Bought the cheapest shirt we could find which was a Marlborough Classic at 69 euros

He had only had the new shirt on his back 15 minutes when we got a call from Customer Services that his case had arrived, half an hour before the ship was due to sail. Anyway we kept all forms and receipts and wrote to BA when we returned. We got a nice apology yesterday which admitted the problems they have with lost luggage at LHR and how it is a priority to sort these problems. We were also advised that they are sending a cheque to cover the cost of the shirt...... Maybe we should have purchased some trousers as well

So I would advise her to purchase what she needs and keep all receipts and forms etc and make a claim upon return.
Good luck
My strongest advice is to always split clothes and toiletries between cases and I try and tell this to as many people as possible and medication should always be taken as carry on.
With regard to hair straighteners, although many ladies would class them as an essential, an insurance company wont! Their idea of essential relates to basic toiletries with a few items of clothes if the delay looks like being more than a day or so. Also, the claim limit is often £100-150 which doesn't go far in some countries - fine if you find yourself with no luggage in Turkey where clothing is cheap but not so good in Dubai or Paris!
And we've also received £150 of vouchers to be used in the next 6 months on stuff from there inflight shop.
Now is there anyway i can get them to change this to cash. As the vouchers are of no use to us.
Try asking them chris - If they refuse have you thought of flogging em on ebay? Just a thought! A friend of mine flogged £200 worth of holiday vouchers, and got £186 for them!
I claimed clean pants and toiletries from my travel insurance. But BA offered no compensation despite emailing and writing.
If BA won't exchange them for cash and you don't think you'll get a reasonable amount for them on ebay, your daughter could always use them to treat herself to some perfume, make-up or a decent watch.

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