Well done Micky

Thanks madsue and keepupwith, Off to Cuba so very very happy about that I can tell you. Think I need a rest now!lol!
Phew ! That must be a weight of your mind Micky. So glad that it's sorted and that FC faced up to their rather large mistake. Enjoy your holiday.
Delighted to hear that you now have a total refund with the promise of your costs being met as well as a goodwill gesture for how much who knows. I may have sounded a bit harsh in my post but it was not that I wanted to be critical of you.I was concerned that you were exhausting yourself in dealing with FC and not also taking your bank to task at the same time.
We have all learned something from your experience and yes small people can change things they just need the will to do so.
Over the years I have taken a lot of different people to task over various issues and the one thing I learned early on was to never give up. When they tried to trick me as in the case of the Hoover free flights I was always one step ahead of them. I was I am sure the only person in the Uk who got a free shuttle to Heathrow paid for along with the free flight. There was a loophole which they closed after this. I bought the tickets myself and sent the bill to them for immediate payment.
I have had some run ins with Travel Companies and always achieved my goal. I have only done this when I knew I was totally in the right as your were with this matter. I still think the Bank were culpable in this case although they won't want to admit it. I would write to the CEO of Barclays rather than speak to some lowly clerk in a small office. It is Barclays major who are guilty.
Glad to hear that you have another holiday booked. ENJOY!
Hubby, phoned bank again today and got through to customer complaints dept. They say (as I thought they would!) that as it was a reputable tour company they thought nothing was wrong although they did check through the amount themselves (dont know what that means!) and they should have phoned us to check the amount noone ever did! They offer us nothing although accepting their share of responsibility. I shall be taking my business elsehwhere and have told them this. They couldnt care less.
you need to speak to someone who may actually care. that person is your local branch manager. make an appointment and ask them to explain to you what actually happened. ask them to refund all the charges to your account, which would not have arisen if they had made the phone call they should have. if you do live in a small community the local branch will not want any bad publicty, and they should be more ameniable to helping you.also ask for some compensation for time off work etc. you may be surprised at their attitude.
if all else fails i would go to your local paper and tell them the story, emphasising how helpful the T/A was in giving you full refund(you would be trying to make the bank look like the bad b******s) and how lousy the local bank treated you.
hope you enjoy your new holiday.
that sounds like a pretty good suggestion from jimd-f, the bank really should give you an acceptable explanation why they DIDN'T ring you to check that the transaction was OK - especially as they say they SHOULD have done so.
However, I can fully understand that you may just want to be done with the whole sorry mess, close your account and look forward to your holiday.
The only way you will get some Customer Satisfaction is by dealing with the top people. For a start I would write (recorded delivery) a polite factual letter (no threats) to their Head Office Customer Relations dept. Detail the situation, the events, who you have spoken to, their action and point out the effect of this huge error, how it has affected you and your family. Better still if you can obtain a name for a CEO or someone on the board of directors, aim your complaint there.
I can tell you from working at the bank, complaints that came from our Head Office carried a tad more weight than the ones that came direct from Customer as the bank I worked for, Head Office followed up all complaints and copies of any correspondence had to be sent to Head Office.
Good luck

However I wouldn't of canceled your holiday. You should write to FC complaining about this error and listed the A/ charges to your OD Limit (Say it has cost you as they took you over your arranged limit), B/Incompetence of the CSR who took your seat bookings and C/ you have lost faith in FC and will not be booking with them in future.
Sure your mad, but a polite letter stressing your disappointment in the usual FC standard, hopefully will get you a nice discount or vouchers.
With regard to your bank, you need to send a letter of complaint and address it to the MD/CEO whatever - I did this to an unrelated bank within the lats 6 months and not only had a letter praising my wonderfully set out letter, a full apology, an acceptance that the problems I encountered should NEVER have happened and a nice cheque by way of an apology was enclosed.
They have said they SHOULD have contacted you. They didn't. You have every right to complain and seek reimbursement for any fees incurred!

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