Would like a bit of advice please.
Thomas Cook phoned me yesterday to say that TC were not able to staff the Kidz Club & Creche at our hotel in Turkey. We leave on 3rd June 2008. Firstly, the reason we booked the hotel was because of their Kidz Club and creche and it seems that TC feel that these are quite high on consumers' agenda's (especially families) hence why that advertise them so much. So when they cancel those facilities, surely that must be a big deal, right?
I need some advice from people as to what TC's obligations are? We have been told by TC that we can cancel or re-arrange the holiday for no extra cost. However, they have nothing available that can accommodate us (2 adults and 3 children) at the same time or price. Should TC pay the difference if another hotel suits our requirements as per the holiday we agreed to pay for or have we been shafted?
Where do we stand?
Thank you for any advice.
(This is our honeymoon too.........what a bummer, eh?)