Myself and my partner really want to go abroad with our 4 children (3 daughters and 1 son), ages 16, 14, 12 and 4. We have never been abroad before so i really dont know where to look first.
I would like the holiday to be as cheap as possible (as would everyone else). We love the SUN, Beaches, walks, nightlife, family entertainment. This holiday abroad we are looking for wouldnt be untill July or August next year, 2009. The flight would have to be from either Cardiff or Bristol.
I need advice on where to look and who is the best to go for, as there seems to be too many to choose from and due to the fact that i have never been abroad before i havent got a clue where to look or who to ask for advice on this subject!
Thank you for taking the time on reading.
(booking your own flights and apartments separately without the help of a Travel Agent.)
It's always worked out much cheaper for us that way.
Is there anywhere that you fancy?
Mainland Spain? Majorca? Menorca? The Algarve? Greece? Canary Islands?
They are all family friendly places and all have different things to offer.
I would suggest that you have a good think about where you want to go and then post on the
relevant forum on here and trip advisor for more detailed help.
Please don't think I'm "dismissing" (for want of a better word) you - honestly I am not.
My family and I love Portugal and have been going there since 1997.
So I could bore the pants off you about it - but it might not be what you want.
Other people prefer Spain or Greece or somewhere else....
Something else you could do is just have a read on different holiday forums about various
places - again, here and trip advisor are good places to start.
They should give you more of an idea about the different places and help you decide where you
would like to go.
I hope I've been of some help to you, and apologise if I haven't.
(If I can help you with anything, please feel free to send me a private message.

Best of luck.
These might give you a clue
elldes - Have a think about how far your willing to fly first, so we can then start to think about countries. I usually fly from Cardiff and Bristol, and if you're looking at school holidays you'll be very lucky to find DIY holidays cheaper than package. What sort of sleeping arrangements do you want? As there are 6 of you, it's going to be difficult, but there are some 3 bedroom places around. Everyone on here will do their best to help you, we just need a few more pointers to set us on our way.
Hi all i did say i can either fly from CARDIFF or BRISTOL and due to it being our first time of flying on a plane i would say going somewhere abroad like Spain.
I also think that looking for a hotel which offers free kids would help with the cost , you could split the party in to 16 , 14 and 12 yr old and you ,partner and 4 year old - This would mean that subject to availabilty , the 12 and 4 year old would travel free.
Hotel would also not incur any under occupancy but you would remove the convenience of being able to prepare snacks and drinks in the room.
Having older children myself we have always found A/I to work out much better value in the long run .the children make friends do their own thing and there is no need for them to come to us at all for money for drinks ice creams etc. As you will know children of any age and particularly 4 could potentially cost you a bomb in spending money .
Due to the kids ages , you would be better booking through a travel agent, and maybe going for a package deal, as, most DIY holidays you dont get free kids places
Have a look at this link to give you a idea

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