Does anyone know the email address for First Choice Customer Services
? I want to send my complaint in via this method for the quickest and easiest.
i can't find e-mail for customer services on their web site so maybe give them a quick ring and ask for it. sorry i can't be of anymore help
Try this -
I took pot luck and emailed it to and that seemed to work, got a delivery receipt and an acknowledgement email that'll do for me. 28 Days starts now...
'Thank you for your e-mail.
This is an automated response to let you know we have received your e-mail and will answer it as soon as possible.
You do not need to respond to this e-mail.
Kind Regards
First Choice Customer Services'
There is a tendency for people to assume sending an email solves the problem. There is no substitute for hard copy. We all know the problems we have with our own computers from time to time. Why whould we assume that it is only ourselves that happens to?
I've recently had to pursue a serious compaint against a major bank, and I'm now dealing with the Fin. Ombudsman.
Emails are NOT generally accepted by courts as legal documents. They can be too easily changed. I always though faxes were OK, but there's some doubt about that as well. Only if the fax provides a date/time stamp should they be considered as POSSIBLY legally acceptable.
There's no substitute for a letter. I always use the signed-for service as you can track it's receipt on the internet. Only adds about £0.60 to the cost. Don't assume your 28 days starts from you sending the email.
Do send a copy first-class, signed-for and start your clock when that's received.
Use the above link to access the Royal Mail "track and trace" facility.
I sent an email to the above email address 4 days ago now and still no reply, even with FOUR chase-up emails. Do you know the address of the directors/chairman's office so I can send a hardcopy via recorded delivery to them? The service was absolutely attrocious throughout, from booking to flying to the hotel to the return!! Awful, awful, awful!!

The reply you receive will normally be an acknowledgement of receipt - this will then trigger a second 28 day period after which time you would expect to receive some sort of reply addressing your complaint.
Except in very simple cases do not expect that the matter will be resolved to your satisfaction. Satisfactory resolution of a complaint typically takes six to nine months.
Sending multiple emails or letters can confuse matters for obvious reasons.
You should not send any supporting documentation with your first letter of complaint and not at any time without first obtaining legal advice. If you have complained in resort the rep should have completed a form and given you a copy. That is yours, when writing then refer to that and quote the reference number.
Complaints should preferably be sent by Royal Mail registered or signed for service. This will enable you to track that delivery has been made.
In these days of the internet many assume that dashing off an email will get an immediate response and resolution. It does not work that way. Emails can and do get lost.
You must give the TO time to investigate your complaint. There are lots of other people in the same position as you and it does take time.
Any letter of complaint that is simply a rant - no matter how justified - will help your case. Letters need to be factual and precise. Ensure that you use punctuation and paragraphs.
For example I have written above 265 words and used 9 paragraphs. That makes it easy to read and understand.
If you need advice then feel free to post here on HT. Many of the members have some specialised knowledge or experience and are willing to help.
Should you require legal assistance then you may consider contacting Ros Fernihough
Contact details here - viewtopic.php?f=49&t=117254
The only connection that Ros has with HT is the number of members she has helped.
She neither reads or contributes to the forum and is one of the top people in the country on travel law and its many alleyways.
Members and contributors to HT may only express their own personal views and opinions. Whilst some of them may be very accurate due to the occupation or experiences of the poster they are still only a personal viewpoint.
This is the contact info for Ros
The direct number to Ros's PA Pam is 01922 705134 (This may ring and ring - instead of engaged tone so try the number below)
Or try the switchboard number 01922 633214 and ask for Travel Dept.
As a customer services manager myself I appreciate the 28 day period is there for a reason, however from a customer perspective a 4 day turnaround is NOT acceptable and as such I do wish to send a copy of my letter to the head office/chairman's office for a more senior reply. Regardless of what THEIR procedure is, I as the customer should be dealt with in a flexible manner. Good service does not always come via ridgid processes.
As a customer services manager myself I appreciate the 28 day period is there for a reason, however from a customer perspective a 4 day turnaround is NOT acceptable and as such I do wish to send a copy of my letter to the head office/chairman's office for a more senior reply. Regardless of what THEIR procedure is, I as the customer should be dealt with in a flexible manner. Good service does not always come via ridgid processes.
There is an industry code of conduct that TOs subscribe to.
There is a contact address on their website. You could try trawling the net to find details of the CEO or other senior person or ring one of the contact numbers.
I find your idea that a Four day turnaround and having sent Four chase up emails rather naive for someone in customer services.
Complaints do need to be investigated and it is unreasonable not to give them time to do so - within the industry code of practice they do have 28 days in which to reply anyway.
You may consider this not acceptable but what do you want? A quick resolution? I doubt very much if you are going to obtain that.
Read back through some of the postings on HT and you will see that does not happen.
You could consider contacting ABTA - They will not act unless you follow the procedure laid down and it does take time.
Putting it very simply - Join the queue - you are one of thousands at any one time pursuing a complaint with them.
As a customer services manager myself I appreciate the 28 day period is there for a reason, however from a customer perspective a 4 day turnaround is NOT acceptable and as such I do wish to send a copy of my letter to the head office/chairman's office for a more senior reply. Regardless of what THEIR procedure is, I as the customer should be dealt with in a flexible manner. Good service does not always come via ridgid processes.
That is quite unreasonable. I think it is fine to expect an acknowledgement in that time though, as that should be immediate.
But don't forget to investigate you are often talking about different countries, in different time zones, and often need to speak to particular people who work different days and then there are weekends involved.
And e-mails - easily mis-interpreted, and because they are so easily sent, you find that a complaint is not well thought through, and often is followed up by half a dozen more with different points and complaints that can lead to confusion. It is quite right that a proper complaint procedure should require a complaints to be sent by letter as they are normally clearer, well thought through, and genuine complaints (not just sent by people trying it on, of which there are many).
Of course, I'm speaking as someone who has dealt with customer complaints for (responsible) travel companies who deal with things 'correctly'. There is no doubt that a number of larger travel companies largely ignore these procedures, often because they are completely over-whelmed with work (well, lets face it, customer service staff are often the first to go in a time of economic downtime).
And there are also lots of dire people in these jobs, bitter and twisted as there daily workload basically involves people shouting at them all day long, often for trivial reasons (that of course are not their fault), so i'm not excusing them!
I think it is fine to expect an acknowledgement in that time though, as that should be immediate.
The problem is that TOs have 28 days under the Code of Practice in which to reply.
An acknowledgement would meet that criteria and so start the process again. By waiting until 28 days to do so spins the whole thing out.
As I have said elsewhere, the hassle involved in getting a satisfactory solution results in claims being dropped - life is too short and people have better things to do. They vow never to travel with that company again, yet when next they look for a holiday if the price is right then even that resolution is broken.
Customer service is a a job that does not suit many who are in it. Constant barracking and insults, besides questions of your parenthood are not something that people expect from a job, nor are they rewarded accordingly for putting up with the stress it creates. The nice polite reasonable customer will always get better service. It is simply we would rather deal with them than the one who shouts.
But don't forget to investigate you are often talking about different countries, in different time zones, and often need to speak to particular people who work different days and then there are weekends involved.
How true!
Just because you can book a holiday and be there is a matter of hours is totally different to resolving a problem.
Unfortunately people do not realise the world is a lot bigger than modern travel makes it appear. Problems do take time to investigate and resolve. Much as we are fed the idea of instant communication it just does not work that way.
When I said before join the queue I was not being flippant.
TOs receive literally thousands of complaints. Many are worthless but still take time to resolve. Some are genuine but are so badly written and rambling that what could have been done quickly drags on for months as letters fly back and forth.
The point I made in my earlier post about punctuation is not aimed at anyone, but simple advice that can be read and understood by all those who increasingly turn to HT in an attempt to find a solution.
You have more chance of getting a result when people can actually understand what you are on about.
I have been complaining to first choice and to disney (2 seperate issues). Disney escalated my complaint on the same day to the assistant manager, who fobbed me off with "wait 28 days, the reply need to come through first choice" so I asked for her manager to reply, and she did so in the early hours of this morning offering me a £100.00 refund immedidately in a very long, sincere email. She gave a full apology as well.
So there we go, dont wait 28 days, complain complain complain! (but do it politely, of course)
People are too passive in my opinion when it comes to complaining about things, especially the British. Oh how we hate to complain!
I find your post disingenuous - you requested assistance with a complaint to First Choice. You now inform us that it was with Disney.
2 seperate complaints, the one to first choice was regarding the pre-flight service they provided. The one to disney was regarding the service received whilst there.
I believe that fwh has a great deal of knowledge and speaks a lot of sense and reason. Not sure if you are in the travel industry or not.
Like you say it needs to be well structured and and not just a rant. Over the years I have had a lot of success when it has been necessary to make a justifiable complaint.
I am bothered at times about people who come on these boards for advice but don't like what is being said. This then results in them attacking the people they have asked to help them. They don't come back to report how they got on but pop up on another topic repeating the same story and still not accepting the advice. One particular occasion comes to mind. All goes quiet and we hear no more. Not that people have an obligation to report back but simply a matter of courtesy.

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