Just back from a holiday cut short

I booked via expedia for a golfing holiday based at a hotel situated right on a course. No delays out but upon arrival hotel was over booked and we were moved about 15 mins away to a sister hotel. Ruined the holiday not being near the golf course and we had to waste over 30 mins any time we wanted to hit some balls or play a round. Also staying at the desired hotel would have entitled us to discounts on the round prices, but as we were staying elsewhere we had to pay full price. As a result we didn't golf much on our golf holiday.
As if thinks could not get worse we were told our saturday 20:20 return flight was cancelled and we had the choice of a monday return to EMA or a friday return to our airport at 20:30. With the change easyjet offered us 400 euros compensation each (2 of us so 800 total) due to european legislation. This was a flat fee specified in eu law. They advised us to also contact our TO. The flight was delayed over 1hr to boot and our revised return transport arrangements left us out of pocket.
By accepting this compo from easyjet are we missing out on comp from our TO. Is there a ball park figure i should be looking to accept.
Many thanks for taking the time to read my problem.