My eldest is 7 and when he was 1 we drove to cornwall, it was about 5 hours in the car, it was awful,the weather was okish it was meant to be summer but it was hardly beach weather.
When he was 2 we flew to majorca and had a fab time,he loved the plane ,weather fantastic, although not restful with a young one we all had a really good time.
My second child was nearly 1 when we flew to menorca and again we had such a good time we went back.
We now have a apartment of our own there and would never consider a main holiday here in the uk.We manage a couple of nights camping with friends here but we find it so much more fun abroad.
I would give it a go, you'll never know if you don't try just make sure it is a family friendly place.
Good luck
Hope you had a great holiday Daisy, and it went okay.
Can anyone help me with my questions.

I am taking my 16month old baby girl, to Turkey and this is our first holiday abroad and to be honest I am scared stiff!!

Firstly our flights are departing 16.45 - arriving 22.45pm Olivia will be missing 2 feeds, If I take Jars on the plane do you know if the Stewardess will warm it for us?. The other problem that I have is Olivia is now on cows milk and has a bottle at night. Her feed is usually 9ish when we will be in the air, do you have any suggestions how I will managed this?
I am also concerned, once you arrive at your destination, do the staff get your buggy to you as my lo will be asleep and is there room for the buggy to go on the bus that transfers you to the airport?
The return flights are horrendous, leaving Dalayan at Midnight, do you think it is easier flying at night?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the 100 questions, first time mummy going on holiday aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

Hi there, try to stop panicking! I can understand why you are though, but I'm sure it won't be anywhere near as bad as you are imagining. My son was around 18 months when we first went abroad and although it was only a short flight I still worried about it, but it went fine. The worst bit was doing a nappy change in the plane toilet! Not sure about warming the jars as I used to give my son his cold straight from the jar when we were out and about, sounds horrible I know but saved a lot of hassle. With regards to the milk, as far as I know you're ok to take a bottle onboard as long as they see you try it yourself. Your daughter will be sat on your lap anyway so I don't think it will be a problem for you to give her a bottle. Also they recommend giving a bottle on take off and landing to help with any ear popping. With regards your buggy, these normally come out with your luggage upon arrival, mostly before the cases as they will have been put on the plane last. You will need to put it in the storage space with your cases on the coach so again she'll go on your lap. Sorry, can't really comment on whether it's better to fly at night as have only done day flights but even then my son slept most of the way anyway. Hope this helps, and try to stop worrying...just go with the flow. Have a great holiday, as has been said previously on this thread, it'll be fun and 'different'!
How about taking a cold pudding jar for olivia while your on the plane. It'll save the worry of warming it up.
We used Steri bottles and cartoned milk for both outbound and inbound journey's. They each had a bottle for take-off and landing to ensure their ears were kept clear as we ascended and descended and they were fine. As someone else said the only pain was trying to change a nappy in the plane loo - there was a pull down shelf for the job but they're so cramped at the best of times it wasn't wonderful but we managed.
Ours also had jars that were room temp - they liked their milk the same way. I'm not sure that H&S rules would allow crew to heat jars for you but there's absolutely no harm in asking and if you want to check that before you fly just get in touch with your airline. At least that way, if it isn't possible you can perhaps try something else.

Thank you all so much for your advice. I am off in September the 15th and travelling with First Choice, and have managed to get day flights which is fantastic.
I am now thinking what things that I need to take, all advice welcomed as I really want to be prepared.

As for the buses that take you to your resort the buggy goes in the hold.
I hope you have a good holiday and if there is anything else you would like to know just ask and hopefully i'll be able to answer.

So glad to hear you had a good holiday.
I think it's common practice for the baggage handlers to put the buggies on the carousels last.
Every single year we took a buggy away for our littlies, we always had to wait until the very end.
(Wouldn't you think they would be put on first - common sense and all that....)
Buggies have always come out first when we've been. Luck of the draw I guess

(So should I with my heritage but...)
Have had a few scares with non-appearance of buggies a few times too...
Tenerife, my hubby had to go through were the cases come up and get the buggy!

My niece's baby is now 6/7weeks old, and she is looking to come on holiday with us to cyprus, we have sorted out getting there / back, were just thinking about the heat in august

if you use common sense, keep it out of full sun,plenty of liquids etc there should not be problems, lets face it the locals don't move to cooler countries when they have small children,
too cold for the baby....
Just be careful that the aircon isn't
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