Apologies if this has been asked before but I've only recently joined the Forum.
We are considering emigrating to Turkey and obviously concerned about any possible Down Sides which the average Tourist may not be aware of.
We were tentatively thinking of the Dalyan area although we haven't been anywhere else except Istanbul so would consider other Areas.
I wouldn't need to work in Turkey as I have a job in Oil which involves 28 days work in Africa followed by 28 days break.
We have a 4 year Old Daughter so schooling is a Prime Concern, at the moment it seems Turkey doesn't have many International Schools. What are the Standards like in the Turkish Schools, Private and State.
Obviously I'm a bit worried as to how safe my Wife would be while I'm away at Work.
Are their any other Niggles such as Power or Water Cuts, Crime,
Beasties in the House and Garden
As a Tourist Turkey always seemed very cheap compared to the UK but maybe there are other costs we aren't aware of.
I'd be very grateful for any advice from those of you who have already taken the Plungs
I think you would get more help in
lots of info on there, & many people thinking of doing the same thing as you!
Jordy, I have sent you a PM, hope this helps in someway.
Jordy first thing to consider if you work in SA is flights so you will need to think about proximity to airports, even if you have to change flights in Istanbul. Schools very little truely international schooling here, but at four your daughter would pick up the language quickly and they dont start formal schooling until 6 years old here. Private education is fair but not fantastic and priced at about 2200 GBP per year here in Antalya- Istanbul would be more. Health care -lot of debate on this but we have found it to be good in the private system. Security if you pick a site with security gaurd etc then you will have no problems or even a site where expats are living full time- for that reason avoid the full on resorts as they turn into ghost towns in the winter thus less appealing for your wife. Power cuts yes it goes off and on like a yoyo sometimes but usually sorted quickly. Beasties in the garden we get the usual things mossies can be bad, but nothing dangerous to health. expenses cheaper than UK but motoring is a bit more expensive here to buy and run, with private schooling for two boys and private medical and living as in uk about 15K per year, housing good quality a lot cheaper.
Have I put you off yet. No? Ok.... the schooling is Ok as Bryn says and they are still allowed to hit the kids here... scared the hell out of my two but they have not even had a discipline so it must work.
generally the pace of life is good but can be infuriating when people don't turn up on time.
hopefully if all of this doesn't bother you...... welcome to Turkey
Chelsea Boy enjoyed your Welcome to Turkey message LOL,
That's actually the sort of thing I was looking for, I know Turkey has got a Hell of a Lot of Positives but I also wanted a Healthy dose of Realism from those of you who have already been through it.
Not sure if any of you have seen those Relocation Programmes on British TV but it never fails to amaze me how little Research some people do before making a Huge Life Changing decision. One that springs to mind is the couple who decided to settle in France and then got miffed because the Forms at the Town Council Office were not in English.
The Rain is not a huge worry, coming from North East England we're quite used to it.
Also we lived in the Former Soviet Union for 3 Years Winters Minus 20 C and Summers Plus 40 C.
Biggest problem there was unexpected Power and Water Cuts. Sometimes we would lose both together!!
Also there was a lot of petty corruption to deal with.
I suppose the thing I'm most worried about is the Schooling, me and the Mrs will be OK but need to be sure our Daughter will get a good Education
We've already bought an Apartment and a Plot of Land so the thought was that we could start off in the Apartment and if thins go well build something more spacious on the Land,
Any more Hints gratefully received
from what you have posted you seem well equipped for a move to Turkey.
Education wise, you can always "top up" with home schooling via the internet.You can get ADSL in Dalyan so should not be a problem.
I would think that the main problem is going to be boredom for your wife and daughter when you away working, especially out of the holiday season.Dalyan pretty much closes down out of season and does not have the same kind of facilities that most UK towns have like a cinema or public swimming baths.
Jordy note what I said about proximity to airports and holiday resorts they close in winter have a look at Antalya, best choice of schools on the coast, never more than twenty minutes from airport, shopping including mothercare, toys r us, M&S etc cinemas and shopping malls, private schools most of the mums speak english because they are from wealthy families so your wife willl make freinds, good hospital all year round facilities et al. If you want more info PM me.
I just got back from marmaris and there was a british family who live there all year round, i dont know much about the couple, but the child said he went to an English speaking school
we have lots of turkish friend in marmaris in mulga but our friend said there is an exellent english school in izmir because we were going to do the same thing
Sorry - my last message shot off before I had time to write anything!

Anyway, if you click on the link in my last post you will find lots of info on there regarding Turkey.
All the best

Life took a different direction and we now live on a Smalholding in Cumbria, we still visit Turkey whenever possible and love it, maybe the wife and I will make the move after DD finishes school, we shall see.
Best of Luck to those who tookthe plunge or are planning to,

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