just thought i would share this with you, my mate and her hubby have been scrimping and scraping all year to go out to turkey for there hols, the hubby had never flown befor...al was going well, they travelled from newcastle down to gatwick as they were meeting up with pals and travelling together, got to the airport, the hubby looked a bit pale, but other than that all was ok...until he went to go up the steps to get on the plane, he totally froze, was then sick...and ran back into departure lounge refusing to board the flight

now my friend is in turkey

, hes back in newcastle... and dreading her comming home in 2 weeks, because she is likely to batter him!
I feel quiet sorry for him really... it must be awful to have a fear of flying.
just wondered if anybody else has had this problem and managed to overcome it... turkey is one country hes always wanted to visit!