The reason for this, is that most credit card purchases are covered by their own insurance. So your next step should be to contact your card issuer and explain what has happened. You should be able to claim the portion paid via credit card from the card company, the rest from ATOL.
At least you found out about this before you arrived at the airport!!
Hi, tempted to book another holiday and still go as planned in three weeks time. On the strength i will get my money back in 6-10 weeks. Things could be worse!
A bit of good news. We submitted our claim to the CAA (ATOL) on 15th May, and yesterday received a cheque for a full refund - less than 4 weeks!
I wrote to them and have had a form to sign.
In the covering letter they have said that when they get it back together with copies of the documentation they will reimburse my account including the cc fee.
Just an update - the deposit - the money I had paid (including the cc fee) is now back in my bank account.
Hi, I have just received my money back from atol, it only took just over two weeks. I am still waiting for the money back from my credit card company hopefully i should get this back soon. I found out two weeks before i was due to go on holiday that the company had ceased trading through your site, so i booked another holiday for the same time and we had a great holiday in Aqualand Corfu . THANKYOU. X
Glad you got sorted.
They are now trying to fob me off by saying it is now Flair Holidays that my booking was made with,and believe me it wasnt!!
I have sent a copy of my bank statement showing that the money was paid to Hellenic Voyages,but still no joy to date.
Will keep you informed of any further developments
Hope you get sorted soon Steve.
Thanks for the help i recieved from the very friendly and helpfull people in this forum and best of luck to the people still waiting with their claims.
Many thanks for the update, it is appreciated.
Thanks for the help i recieved from the very friendly and helpfull people in this forum and best of luck to the people still waiting with their claims.
Pleased we have been able to help. I was refunded by the CC company with no problems.
It was as a member of HT that I knew what to do when I found out.
Now you are a member have a browse through the various forums.
You never know you might just be able to help someone else with a problem.
Does anybody know whether they were paying their hotels back in April before they went bust. In particular, the Piskopiano village?
Any help you can give would be great.
How did you pay? Payment by Debit Card is not normally covered. Cheque and cash payments are lost.
I have not been able to find any more information out about this insolvency so cannot help further.
We actually flew 7 hours after the CAA had revoked Sunescapes licence and when we got to our Hotel we found that everything had already been paid for. So you may want to risk taking the Easyjet flight and hoping for the best when you get there. Or alternatively take the gamble of paying when you get there as it is unlikely that the rooms have been sold again.
Well it is for me at long long last,received cheque today from ATOL for full refund off sunescapes debacle.
Lesson learned from this experience lads and lasses,is that in future I will only be booking holidays from high st travel agents,irrelevant of how much more you can pay.
Thanks to everyone connected with this subject over the past few months,and without sounding rude,hopefully you wont be hearing me moan and groan ever again !!!
Once again thanks

Glad you are sorted Steve

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