I'm flying out to Malta with my parents next week for a couple of weeks and none of us have ever been there before. Anyway, the place we're staying says it has cable TV but there's no mention of a DVD player. I think my parents are going to try and bring the small one they have as it would fit into a suitcase/backpack ok, we've done that before but just incase we can't hook it up or even if we can, out of interest anyway, I wondered if anyone knows what the TV is like(?) we normally find at least one or two English channels on cable/satellite, so there should be something we can watch in the late evening and during siesta etc, right? I know that English is the 2nd languge on Malta, so are there many British/American shows shown on local TV channels without dubbing, that we could watch(?), or an English speaking news show perhaps(?). What sorts of channels (non local, like cable channels) are we likely to get too? when we go abroad, we usually seem to get BBC World/BBC Prime and CNN... is there anything else on the basic cable platform that we might get? btw we're staying in St Maria in Mellieha, if that helps.
I'm just curious, thats all