just nipped out side and we have a lovely red sky ! that surely can only mean that we are gonna have a lovely sunny day tomorrow/today now looking at the time ! or am I being a tad optimistic ?
oh, pleeeeeaaasssee !!!!!!! let it be true !!! a sunny day !!!!
ever hopefull
I can't believe I just got up, opened the blinds and looked out of the window so I could answer you!
No red sky here in Newcastle.... amazingly no fog either....just for a change
Haha!!!! Clare did the same as me!!!!
why aye man...of course i did!
getting my minus 0 tanning oil out ready for a scorchio day here in the lake district !!!
sorry folks, this sun may only be shining on us cumbrians today ! hehehehehhe !
will let you know how many times I got wet in my next report !!!!

The "why aye man" -- love it!

Thats why I was laughing

(That and the thought of you being as daft as me!

Juby just push a bit of that sushine a little down the M6 towards me will you please?
I've got loads of washing to do and get dry
(And out of principal -well it is SUPPOSED TO BE summer- I am NOT using my tumble dryer!

milly, on this count, i'm keeping this sun all to myself ! only joking chick, if and only if, it does shine here tomorrow/today, then I would gladly wing it down to your gaff, only problem is, not sure wether you are north or south, maybe quite a journey for that sooooooooooooooooooooo weeeeaaak bit of sun thats lost its strength !!!
Not as North as you hun...

Ahh, well, if you're a scouser doll, then you can have my bit of sun in chunks as my ma lives in your part of the world ! whatever the weather. she always says its 'cracking flags' in liverpool !!! so you may not need it !

Ah ha......
I'll leave you to ponder on that cos I can hear my bed calling me...
goodnight milly....
night night chick x
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