We're going on a 27 day (25 night) tour of China, taking in the following:
Shanghai 3 nights
Suzhou 1 night
Hangzhou 2 nights
Guilin 2 nights
Yangshuo 2 nights
Kunming 2 nights
Chongqing 1 night
Chengdu 3 nights
Xian 2 nights
overnight train 1 night
Chengde 2 nights
Beijing 4 nights
We're up to date on our typhoid, polio, tetanus, Hep A vaccinations.
I've contacted my doctor and have an appointment to discuss the following:
Hep B
Japanese B Encephalitis
Malaria prevention
I've been doing some checking on various sites and have found a couple of references that say these 3 vaccinations are recommended for travellers staying in endemic areas for 3 months or more. Except Japanese B Encephalitis <1 month - none of which is us.
Of course, we're happy (?) to have any necessary vaccinations but we don't like to have anything that is not necessary.
I've printed off a load of information from the internet that I'll take up to the doctors but I wondered if anyone had been through a similar discussion with their doctors and what the outcome was.
Firstly - that is one great sounding trip!
I can only speak about a brief discussion with our nurse re HEP B.
We were given the impression that it is transmitted in much the same way as HIV / AIDS
Blood to blood contact - contaminated needles (incl tattoos and acupuncture) transfusions with contaminated blood and sexually transmitted.
Not knowing a lot about the situation on blood transfusions in China or the medical setup, this would be the only area of risk for us (unless we fell onto a contaminated needle or were deliberately infected).
The one question that comes to mind (we decided against HEP B and never asked) is whether an HEP B injection could be given at the same time as, or immediately following, any risky medical treatment. I believe that there is now a vaccine that will protect against both HEP A and HEP B.
I'm not sure about the odds of being bitten by a rabid animal, but given our lifestyle we, similarly, thought this unnecessary and have not considered or discussed.
We have been considering Japanese B encephalitis. I do not know about the liklihood in the region that you are going. It is my understanding that the main risk is during and immediately following the rainy season.
Perhaps not a lot of help - but any decision must be personal.
Whatever you decide - have a thoroughly great time.
Thanks for the reply, we're really looking forward to the trip, it took me AGES to decide which company & specific tour to book.
From what I've read about Hep B and rabies, I think the same as you.
I found something on Encephalitis B that said although it can cause serious inflammation of the brain, the majority of cases only produce a mild, influenza-like illness with no effect on the brain and it's thought that only 1 in 100 adults who come into contact with Japanese encephalitis actually develop any visible signs of it.
It's also apparently uncommon among tourists and short-term visitors in the areas affected.
It's spread by mosquitoes which love hot and humid weather, but I don't think it's going to be that warm in October.
I know that the medical profession will err on the side of caution but at least armed a fair bit of information, we can have a sensible discussion about potential risk.
I'll post the result of my discussion with the doctor in just over a week after my appointment.
just thought I'd post an update re vaccinations.
Fitfortravel.nhs.uk states that vaccinations are recommended for:
Hep B - 'for long stays or frequent travel'
Japanese B Encephalitis - 'those in risk areas unable to avoid mosquito bites, staying for long periods (e.g. more than 4 weeks)'
Rabies - 'those going to risk areas that will be remote from a reliable source of vaccine'.
We had a discussion with our medical practice about the mentioned vaccinations and because of where we're travelling to (cities and provincial capitals) we think that should one of us require medical treatment, the risk of contaminated needles in a hospital is minimal so decided against the Hep B jab.
We are always careful about mosquito protection and wear long trousers at night so didn't have that vacc.
Same with rabies, we are always careful about contact with stray dogs/cats.
So it was our informed choice, after considerable research on the internet and discussion with our practice nurse, not to have the vaccinations.
As I've mentioned previously, we are up to date on our typhoid, polio, tetanus, Hep A vaccinations.
Our passports complete with visas arrived back yesterday so all we need to do is decide what to pack - not as easy as it sounds as we'll be experiencing a wide range of temperatures.
Ours was much shorter than yours (10 days) but it gave us an insight into the country. In terms of vaccinations, we were upto date also on the ones you mention, but had malaria tablets as well as part of our round the world trip anyway (we were away for 9 months).
We were not advised to have the Hepatitis B, Encephalitis or Rabies jabs for the countries we visited in those 9 months.
Your trip sounds good, Shanghai was a major highlight for us and Xian was good as well. Unfortunately we hated Beijing, which was probably our least favourite place we visited on the whole trip but you might have a different opinion. A number of group fell for a tea ceremony scam in Tianamen Square (all individually before meeting up for the tour) so be very wary of English speaking Chinese students getting too friendly (also in Shanghai as well). It's a shame to say it but I just felt the Chinese were overly keen to try and rip tourists off, but of course that is just our personal opinion.
A major blow for us was fog at the Great Wall. I hope your weather is much better, we basically couldn't see our hands in front of us!!!!
I still remember fondly the overnight trains, you are in for a major treat!!! I was offered pigs snout by a Chinese traveller we shared a carriage with which I refused. My offer of Oreos was met with a similar refusal!!!
Have a great trip.
Your tour sounds interesting. Pretty much the same as my first visit to China 18years ago, though I think you are going to a couple more places than I did. Be prepared for long tiring days. I think China is changing at a fantastic rate. 18years ago it was very dificult to travel anywhere off the beaten track and the country was still very hard line communist, a lot of people were were very nervous when speaking to us, most people men or women wore identical Mao suits and I actually saw one very old lady who still had her feet bound. I returned to a very different China in 2000 and found as J Whiting said many Chinese trying to rip us off. I wonder what it's like now. Still it's an extremely interesting country and certainly worth visiting.
My health clinic staff advised me I didn't need anti malaria medication, though what was needed in 2000 and 1990 could be totally different to todays requirements so the correct way to get up to date info. is from as you have done from health professionals .
I hope you have a great holiday.
After MUCH research and comparisons, we booked our China Panorama tour with CTS Horizons.
Wendy Wu do an almost identical tour for almost the same price (within £15 pp) but there was just one point in the CTS itinerary that we felt had the edge.
CTS have been very helpful in answering our questions, I'll do a full review of the tour and CTS when we get back.
Incidentally, CTS do tours all over the world, I first came across them when looking for a tour of Cambodia, Laos & Vietnam.
The last time we spoke to CTS as we were paying the balance, they had 12 people on the tour, which sounds OK.
The brochure says 'The journey is leisurely with mostly 2-night stays' but we're not underestimating the amount of travel.
Packing is a NIGHTMARE!
We're used to going to places like Bali, Goa, Malaysia for 3 weeks and I know exactly what I need for there but we're going to be living out of suitcases for almost a month.

Also, the temperature in Shanghai early October will be much warmer than in Beijing towards November.

I take your comments about possibly being ripped off, we'll keep our wits about us - thanks.
I think we're going to a less busy part of the wall (Jinshangling) on the way back into Beijing from Chengde. I hope we don't get fog!
We've had experience of overnight train travel, once in 1987 from Moscow to Leningrad (as it was then) and once from Goa to Mumbai last year, so we're looking forward to that experience - we're going with open minds anyway.

It sounds like a great trip, and I'm sure you will love Shanghai to start with which to me is a stunning city.
Your experience of overland train travel will probably make it easier for you. I know on our trip there was a family of 3, Mum, Dad and young Son (15ish) and that was quite a culture shock to them I think.
Have a great trip.
Bit late now I know but I've not been in this forum for a while - for our 3 week China trip in 2006 we had typhoid, polio, tetanus, Hep A vaccinations.
Your schedule sounds great I hope you enjoy it, we loved China and the people.
I'm with Jwhiting we weren't too keen on Beijing, mainly because the pollution was terrible. At the end of our 4 days there my chest hurt and I've never had any respiratory problems in my life. The Summer Palace is stunning - do make sure you leave plenty of time to see it, you can easily spend the whole day there.
Also (and here I'm not sure if it's only in Beijing as it never happened to us anywhere else) be aware of the government shops your guide may try to get you into. We fell for it when we first arrived in Beijing out of simple ignorance (he took us to somewhere for lunch that conveniently had a shop selling jade integrated upstairs!) but didn't make the same mistake again and I think he was a bit shocked when politely but firmly refused him he tried it again.
Enjoy and I look forward to your trip report, I'm now off to pack for our trip to Andalucia tomorrow!!
We have had the same vaccinations as you had.
It's an escorted tour picking up local guides in different places and I'm aware that we'll be taken to various 'showrooms':
Having said 'NO' to carpets in Tunisia, Turkey and India and 'NO' to jewellery in Thailand, India, Egypt and Sri Lanka, I hope we're up to fending off whatever the Chinese have to offer.

Packing is still a nightmare - spare bedroom looks like a bomb site!
We fly out this Friday and are really looking forward to it.
We've had a very detailed itinerary and there are 13 people booked on the tour, which seems to be a nice number.
I have a little notebook and hope to take notes to do a detailed review when I return.

Have a great time in Andalucia.

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