I think some people are missing the point on all this. They arent saying people cant complain they are saying that if you are a persistant complainer then they wont allow you to travel with the as they cant meet your expectations and lets be honest some of us have high expectations and some of us have unrealistic expectations.
When i was repping ive dealt with some customers who are profesional complainers, and you ask ask anybody thats repped you can spot them. I even had one bloke ask me for a pen and pad so that during his holiday he could note every problem he had and bring it to my attention on the last day so he could make a claim when he got home.
All that this is going to do is reduce the number of complaints these companies get, reduce the amount of compensation they have to pay out and fingers crossed reduce the price of these holidays ( or for the more pesimistic of you increase the profits.).
Oh and youd be surprised what some people bring on holiday with them to get out of paying for a holiday.
I think some people are missing the point on all this. They arent saying people cant complain they are saying that if you are a persistant complainer then they wont allow you to travel with the as they cant meet your expectations
So, if one holiday has building works going on around me and I wasn't informed before departure, then the next holiday in a different resort I have a family of cockroaches crawling all over the hotel room and then maybe another holiday I have food poisoning from the sub standard hygiene procedures in the hotel that they are responsible for......in Thomson's book, I'm a persistent complainer.?
Too bl**dy right I am !

I'm going to get penalised for bringing to the attention the Travel Package rules.?...we might as well tear them up and let Thompson run rough shod over us again.
Thomson and the other TO's have more get out clauses and excuses than there are holes in a colander.
reduce the amount of compensation they have to pay out and fingers crossed reduce the price of these holidays
According to FC, they hardly pay out.
Reduce the price of holidays? you seen a flying pig lately ?

Profit, profit, profit !!!!!
they do pay out money and dont believe that they dont. Even on here you see people getting fed up of people trying to claim for ridiculous things like 20 mins delay etc. So imagine what it must be like for a tour operator.
i agree, the TOs must have some sort of way of knowing the persistent nussance complainers.. i think genuine complaints are realised and dealt with accordinaly but like previous posts have said, the very minor unavoidable stuff that people "moan" about just gets ignored.. maybe the TOs blacklist to give more priority to the genuine complaints.??!!
Do people really complain when the brochure says 300 metres to the beach and it's actually 316? If they do then fair enough, Blacklist them! But I bet if someone did actually measure the distance to the beach and compared it to Thomsons brochure stats you's find they were way off on nearly all occasions!
This has happened to us lots of times but because I read up on here first I know and expect it before I travel and I way up whether to go or not from comments on here as I know you cannot trust the brochure write up!
There are many things each year that legally I could complain about but don't because it doesn't spoil my holiday! However some people may see it as though Thomsons are ripping them off in the first place so why not try to get a bit back!
Also it's funny how the high euro against the pound means their prices have to go up yet if the pound ever goes back to about 1.45 do you think they'll drop the prices?
I can't speak for other TO's, but where I work the complaints are broken down and answered point by point. Every issue is aknowledged/explained/justified. Not just a fob off. A lot of work and investigation goes into them and they can often be incredibly detailed depending on the nature of the complaint.
"There is so much advice and support online - most of it telling people that if they make enough of a fuss, we'll pay up. The truth is that we hardly ever pay out,
Well you did to me and mine and you would again if I had to endure the holiday from hell you sold me

Oh do pardon the operators from making a profit, they are a business after all. A company that doesnt make a profit is either a charity or bankrupt and I think enough companies have gone out of business recently, and enough travel people have lost their jobs.
Edited by
2008-10-22 12:28:24
to remove name
Interesting to hear about the blacklists but as this now appears to be going on different tangents and and its not actually a complaint I'm going to lock this now. For those who have genuine complaints- I wouldn't think you will have to worry about being on a blacklist.

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