I have a dilema. The only time I get off work is around Christmas ( 2 weeks ). Mrs dandog I and our 2 children, ages 6 and 4 usually go to Centreparcs or a cottage by the coast. This year, Spain???
My concerns are, is the weather down around Malaga, Marbella, Algarve usually warmish at that time of year?
Should we go for a Villa or an apartment in a hotel? I am thinking all inclusive. I do not play golf, I hate the sport. All other sports, running, football, swimming are good.
We aim to go for 7 days, 20 to 27 Dec. Will there be enough to to, especially for the kids?
What is Christmas like? how is it celebrated? We would love to go to a midnight Mass and take in the whole experience.
Some have recommended the Canary Islands for better weather, but I think I would prefer mainland, I am not sure.
Overall, we are looking for nice resort, things to do, especially for kids, sport, places to eat, by nice beach and obviously weather. Is it likely to be ok for an outdoor swim, or only indoors.
Please, please any advice would be really appreciated especially on places to stay. Is this a goer or not?
Many thanks.
The Portuguese, a Catholic nation, have their Christmas 'feast' on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day is, of course, a national holiday but, by 26th December, everything is back to normal and buses etc. run as usual.Many tourist-related businesses tend to take their annual holidays at this time of year but there will always be plenty of places open as long as you choose one of the major resorts.
Me and Maggie my wife have spent Christmas and New Year in Fuengirola and Torremolinos for the last six years. The weather has been mostly very good with minimal rain. We are 75 &74 respectively, so couldn`t advise on entrtainment etc. We will be in the Gardenia Park for Christmas & New Year. We had a great holiday there last April so decided to go next winter. Check the hotel review section for accommodation. You will find reviews of several hotels and apt. by yours truly.
I'm thinking La Carihuela. It has a lot of positive comments. Still not sure about the whole Christmas thing though. Will there be enough going on to keep us occupied, especially if the weather is not very good. Must look into it more. Thanks again.
Christmas won't be hot enough in Mainland Spain. I suggest that for any weather approaching decent at that time of year you'll want to be looking outside Europe. The Canary Islands may fit the bill.
So assuming the weather is probably gonna be cloudy, cool, cold etc, will there still be enough open, restaurants, amenities, stuff for kids to do. Basically myself, mrs dandog and two little ones want to experience and enjoy a totally different Christmas in this obviously very catholic country. I am sure that there must be many different places to visit and the kiddies to learn about, even if the weather is cooler.
In a nutshell, forgetting about weather, tell me that I, we, are not gonna be bored stiff. I need someone to tell me why a holiday at this time of year in this part of Spain is gonna be great, or that I am barking up the wrong tree and that there is not really much happening and we would all be disappointed.
Please advise.
Christmas Eve is the big family meal evening for the Spanish but Christmas in general is more low key than the UK, presents for the kids is done in January.
The influence of foreigners living here means that most decent size hotels and restaurants do "traditional" Christmas lunches and dinners on Christmas Eve night and Christmas day lunchtime. Most locals bars and restaurants will be closed on Christmas Eve night unless having a special "do" but more will be open on the 25th. With UK owned bars it is more difficult to say, some adopt Spanish ways and some stay resolutely British in all things. You will certainly find plenty of places open and if you enjoy travelling around it is a wonderful time to visit places like Malaga, Sevilla, Granada etc as it is not so hot. Public transport down here is good and if you are driving the roads are relatively quiet.
I have spent the last 12 winters including Xmas but one in CDS. I would say that CDS winters are better than UK summers. My daughter has been swimming on Xmas day. It has also rained on Xmas day. Last year I spent winter and Xmas in Algarve. It was slightly cooler than CDS, although my neighbours assured me it was the coldest winter for many years. If you are looking for guarantees go to Africa but all in all I would have no difficulty recommending CDS or Algarve
Xmas in CDS is more laid back than in UK. As had been said Xmas Eve is a big family affair, Xmas day is quietish as presents are not traditionally given till 6th Jan The 3 kings day. Boxing day doesn't exist. If you go to one of the holiday hotspots like Torremolinos there will be plenty to do but the more Spanish resorts like Estepona will be quieter
Many thanks to big chiv, brodev and others for their really helpful advice. I now feel that Christmas in Spain will be a really good experience for my family and me and am confident that there will be plenty to do visit etc. Thank you.
Malaga is a nice place for a Christmas holiday. I would recommend you Nerja on the eastern coast in Malaga. It is a beautiful town, a bit international, and with beautiful beaches. The temperatures are very nice in Christmas, around 18º celsius and the possibilities for your kids to enjoy are many.
You must go into Malaga town centre and see the xmas decorations. Go by bus, only cost 1 euro last year.

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