Thanks, that's fab information. Like the Hi Presto -- made me laugh (and after the day I've had I needed it!!)
Hubby is not too hot on driving abroad -- he has driven in the USA and is more than happy in Cyprus. He took one look at the roads in Italy though and point blank refused! What is driving like out there ? Be honest !
To be honest just to do a few trips out to break the week up would be great - the catamaran suits me fine and we love jeep safaris!
We really liked the idea of the late breakfast by the sea -- isn't it open until about 11 ish ? Don't do early mornings on holiday and getting up before 8am is against my religion of holiday! Do late nights and nice lie ins ---- Does this mean that we wont stand a chance re a nice table at the late beach bar for breakfast? If so , ho hum ------ I'll live!
Is there any entertainment in the hotel? Not bothered really what it is like -- sometimes the worse it is the funnier it is! We are very easy to please generally and pretty laid back ! Life (and holidays) are too short to moan through them! (Having said that, if there is anything resembling a larger louts outing please shoot me now!)
Many, many thanks for your help - it is really nice to 'chat' to someone who has been and likes the place!