Hello, me and a few mates are going to Albufeira in August and wondering what kinds of supermarkets we could go to. We are staying in the Eirasol Appartments just 200m away from the strip.
I have been to Lisbon before and remember being able to buy Superbock for next to nothing, will things be the same in albufeira?
Beer, sun and party basically. Any advice?
Tell me where I can get Superbock for almost next to nothing and I will join you. Prices down here are the same as anywhere I think.
You will have a good-sized Pingo Doce supermarket almost across the road from Eira Sol - up to main road to the 'Worms' roundabout cross the road and it's about 50 yards up on the left. They are open basically 9am to 9pm and although I don't use Pingo Doce a lot (I am across the other side of town) when I have been in there everything has been fine.
BTW whoever told you that Eira Sol is 200 yards from the Strip was lying. It's nearer 500 and that's only to the top end - there is another 500 yards of bars to make it through after that.
500m is fine, as long as we can get there and back without getting lost we'll be fine
What prices will I be looking at in the Pingo Doce then? For a pack of beer?
I think you will be paying around €8.99 for a pack of 20 or 24 33cl bottles of Superbock - that's what they were charging in Modelo yesterday and it was 24 for the price of 20 or about €1.36 a litre. A 50cl can is about €0.80, a litre bottle about €1.40.
Yes I know Modelo isn't Pingo Doce but the prices won't be all that much different
There is no problem in taking cans/bottles of beer on the beach (you will need a cooler!) but make sure you put the empties in the bin or if there's money back (they still do that here for some bottles, ask when buying) take them back to the shop when you re-stock.