Just got back from Icmeler whilst we were there my wife slipped on the pavement and broke her wrist . we went to the hospital in Icmeler the doctor confimed it was broke and said we had to go to hospital in Marmaris but first we had to go to our apartments for passports and insurance proof which we did , we went to the AHU HETMAN HASTANESI . in Marmaris , the care was first class an X Ray st8 way then 5 minss for the consulant to arrive , he told us that it was broke and needed to be pinned my wife would stay in overnight with an op to follow in the morning and he said she will be back round the pool tommorow afternoon .
The day after they did indeed op on my wife now this is when the SS Admin at the hospital step in and take over as my wife was taken away i was asked to phone my insurance for a ref number fair enough no probs i did but no answer , so Admin tell me its the medical side i need not the company i took the insurance out with , i had not a clue who they were i couldnt get through to my insurance provider to find out either , so im in a panic and getting no help from the so called lady im speaking with in Admin , one hour passed and i was once again asked to phone this time by a german sounding woman i explain my predicament and she goes on her pc for cases who had same company as me BINGO she finds my medical side .
So i phone get through and explain what happend they build a case and said we will phone you back in one hour which they did , they told me the case had now gone to review as is the norm and will be in touch with the hospital .
I pass the on to Admin who seemed pleased by now my wife is back in her room 2 hours pass and in march SS Admin can you phone your insurance and ask what the hold up is please , ! hold up ? ! we had only been there 12 hours for gawds sake . so of i trot to the phone , the insurance inform me all is well and they will be in touch , i pass this on to the SS , about 5 mins later the doc comes to my wife room he says she is recovering well ill discharge her at 4 today we are pleased to hear that , but SS admin arnt anyway the doc gets back about 5 says sorry for being late and discharges my wife , he says the nurse will be along in 20 mins to take the needle out of her arm .
So one hour later i go looking for the nurse i find her and ask her to take the needle out so we can go , i cant she says , why not i ask , your paper work over insurance is not complete , i explain that we have to come back tommorow anyway for the plaster to be opened slightly so my wife can fly home on the monday , enter SS Admin she says sir you must phone your insurance we dont know if they will pay or not so if they wont the bill is yours , i reply please just give them time as they are very busy but she insist i phone or my wife aint going nowhere is what she meant .
So im angry now i havnt eaten in 22 hours but i give in and phone , i tell the insurance what they are doing more or less keeping my wife hostage , my insurance say they are working flat out but it takes time , now little did i know the guy behind the counter is listening to my call , as i put the phone down he ask my room number when i get back to the room a nurse arrives with a wheelchair orders my wife into it rips yes rips the needle out of her arm causing her to bleed heavy they bang some tissue on it and wheel her to the front entrance , a guy on the reception say and where are you going to me , i say back to our apartments he says not without paying £67 Admin fees and 15 lira phone calls your not i paid and we got the hell out of there .
The next day i phone the insurance from the apartments and was relived to hear them say its paid fot all £4,500 of it , we went back to the hospital later that day and we took out apartment manager with us just in case , they were all over us its was sick , i told the guy on reception that he was out of order listening to my phone calls he just shrugged we did what we had to do and left , i hope we never ever have to go through it again i would not wish the SS admin on anyone , if your going over there please find out who your medical side is and have their phone number ready just in case , the hospital needs to trust us Brits more if we are going to get on with them i reckon .
I remember clearly that they would not remove the needle from his arm until their admin said so i.e. when the insurance company had settled the bill.
Cheers for the reply , the thing is they plant theseeds of doubt in your mind by saying things like what if the insurance dont pay ? how do you propse to pay ? and we can stop you leaving the country they even mentioned the police which scared us to death at a very stressfull time .

Yes thats what sickend me the most i was trying so hard to get the insurance to tell them they would pay , they just dont trust you at all, its ok if your staying in for a few days coz the insurance has time to come through and they have you has well as a hostage really coz they have your passport as well .
it wouldnt happen over here
it wouldnt happen over here
It could and would if you were a foreign national on holiday in the UK. Regardless of what you hear in the more sensationalist press - there has been a big crackdown and I could provide you with similar horror stories of how the NHS now treats people who aren't UK nationals. A colleague recently had an even more awful experience in Germany and I think that the real issue is with the length of time that UK insurance companies now take to sort these things out rather than the hospitals. If they employed enough properly trained staff with medical knowledge and experience to assess claims promptly these things wouldn't happen.
I'm sorry that you had such a distressing experience and it was clearly upsetting and the lesson for all of us is to make sure that we take the telephone number for the emergency claim 24 hr line for our holiday insurance.
As someone who knows elderly people who had direct experience of how the SS treated people in Nazi Germany and occupied Europe I find it very upsetting when any 'jobs worth' bureacrat is compared to the SS. It demeans and diminishes their experiences of ending up in the concentration camps and/or being tortured. Experiences like the one this poster and others re-counts simply aren't comparable. Can I make the plea that posters don't do this?
Also Foreign Nationals do not pay 300 quid a month to support the National Health Service but seem to be getting the same level of treatment.
so perhaps you are living in a different part of the country to me SMa
Quite possibly, because I live in scotland and post-devolution there are differences. Also there is a difference between the way other EU nationals, non-EU nationals who have the right of abode and non-EU nationals who don't have the right of abode and a number of other variable are treated. In the cases of genuine emergency, non EU nationals without the right of abode and especially businessmen and those who are here on holiday visas, at most if their condition is life threatening they are 'stabilised and discharged' unless they can produce evidence of their ability to pay for any additional treament.
I'm not condoning the action of the hospital, just pointing out that a visitor in the same position here in the UK could very likely end up being treated in the same way and that this is the case within the EU too even if you have E1 11.
If not they then may well have to pay. This is including people who were born in the UK but have not been paying into our system. They will be billed and have been if they do not meet the criteria.
As a member of this forum, might I remind members that this is a complaints thread and it will not help those seeking advice to find themselves in the middle of a DISCUSSION, related to but not directly concerning the subject under discussion! Maybe there is another part of this forum that is better suited to this discussion ....
Insurance problems were highlighted some time ago here on HT. It is also a topic I read in the press where people believe they are covered only to find out otherwise when they actually need it. Like others I do shop around, the cost for anyone over 65 goes up quite dramatically. I also read very carefully what is covered. Price whilst important should not be the criteria, but even then there is no guarantee that in some cases it actually does what it says on the packet.
We are quite used to our own NHS service which delivers without worrying about having to pay. Many countries work entirely different and people should be aware. I would not go into a shop as a stranger for an item and expect them to trust me to pay when they send me a bill. It is no different for a hospital in Turkey, or anywhere else. I am pleased to see that first class healthcare was given but can also understand them wanting to ensure they were paid.
Certainly the insurers need to examine their procedures so people are not put in such a position.
Im afraid i have to update you all on my wifes condition today we saw a consulant at our local hospital he was shocked by what he saw on the X ray my wife has been in constant pain since we got back, he says the 2 pins are doing no more than sitting under the bone supporting the bone and at the back of those pins my wifes wrist is a shatterd mess , she is having an op bone will be taken from her hip to fuse and replace the shatterd bone and the pins will be removed and replaced with correct ones to make the bone st8 , im upset and annoyed , i have phoned our insurance who are now takeing the matter up with the Turkish hospital , wonder why they didnt give us the Xrays over there before we left ?.
Sorry to hear that about your wife.
I know it is of no comfort to you but this is not the first time I have read of similar here on HT. Whilst I can't remember which hospitals were spoken sadly there have been many more similar stories littering the Turkey forum over the years since I have been a member here.
My mum was rushed to Marmaris Hospital last september with Pneumonia, they treated her really well while she was in there and made her feel really comfortable. She was in for over a week and then took her back to Turunc to finish her few days holiday off.
if she had been rushed to hospital in England I would dread to think what would have happened to her as they just leave elderly people in there and dont bother with them in the NHS
These may be of some help to the OP . Not the same hospital though .

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