whos flying at 20.00 hours from gatwick on the 15th of july..using monarch..
so looking forward to my holiday, only booked it last week. wooohoooo.
just got to get my typhoid injection and i will be sorted...
Typhoid injetction for Rhodes??? I don't think that's necessary, i've never heard of anyone having a typhoid immunisation for Greece, in fact you can even drink water from the tap
I'm confused too Chocaholicsanon.Never heard of these precautions for Greece, and as Marcus says, the tap water is fine to drink so a very safe country. Anyway, enjoy your holiday on a lovely island.
I am going to rhodes on the 15th July but from Leeds-Bradford, we fly at 17.55pm with Thomas Cook, had mine booked for a while now, but really looking forward to going, i think im really going to love rhodes!!