no,not restauarants,just the cafe bars,on the front.something simple like,pie,chips & peas,was either 8 or 9 euros,depending which one you looked at,i just wouldn't pay that here,for something so simple.breakfasts,were either 5 or 6 euros,this depended on the size though.there didn't seem,to be alot of difference,in prices,from place to place,although i will say,we certainly never walked & walked,looking for cheaper places to eat,as thats not us.
we did get things in from the supermarket,again prices definately higher,than here.
drinks are our downfall,hubby will only drink carling,even here,if a pub doesn't sell carling,he will have strongbow,so he was paying between 3 & 3.50 euros,which annoys me,as i'm sure if he could only get san miguel,he would drink it.i like cocktails,the cheapest i found was 6 euros,most was 7.i do drink vodka & coke,but not sure,what we paid for them.
for us,it was an extra week away & we knew the exchange rate before we went,so we can't really complain,would we go back yes!