Hi Sarah
I'm getting to become a bit of a regular to Lloret with my partner, I've been going every year for the last 11 years since i was 19. In fact I'll be there 2 weeks today.
Regarding restaurants the best I found and one that was recomended is La Fusta. This is situated in the little shopping streets that are behind the main strip.
For a good laugh try Disaster cafe near the Alva park apts in Fenals.
As for drinks well theres loads of places but be aware the PR people can be quite pushy and persuasive and Ive been caught out a few times but over the years I've managed to work out the good places and now I ignore them as I know where I'm going !
During the day Piccadilly Bar is good for snacks and beer looks out onto the sea and the staff are friendly. theres also a couple of bars on the beach which are quite nice to relax in.
Of an evening this place comes to life. depending where your staying and how far you want to walk are the only limits but all the best bars are in the same area which is up near the roundabout near the casino.
We used to start at the Seven seas which is off the long street that runs behind the beach with all the shops on it.
We'd then move on to Surf which was cheap last year all drinks 1 euro. Then onto Moby's which is good but not as cheap although they sometimes have 2x1 offers. Then its accross to the Queen Vic which has a happy hour although we always missed it. again normal prices. We'd then head to my favourite Texas which has the best Staff definitely and has 2x1 all the way to 4 am so thats good. Wed then go to Rockerfellas which is good but a bit pricey then wed finish back in Texas.
Any other info or hotel advice PM me.