Please include the following details in the description so they can be added to the correct album;
A brief photo description
Hotel name (if applicable)
Resort name
Date (month / year) of holiday
Photos without sufficient location information can't be added to the relevant album and will be deleted.
In addition to photo information, there are basic quality criteria in order to maintain a standard of photo in the gallery. We don't expect everyone to be budding David Baileys, but a minimal quality criteria consisting of the following will benefit viewers;
Photos should to be straight and level with the correct orientation
Photos should be properly exposed, ie not dark / too bright
The photo should show something of interest to that location
Photos should be reasonably sharp and not blurry or out of focus
Avoid shots in sequence, eg not 2 or 3 of the same scene, choose the best one
All photographs must be your own and not copied from other sites
These criteria will be reviewed periodically. Photos that do not meet these basic quality criteria will not be added.
If anyone experiences any problems, has any questions or suggestions, please post them here for discussion. I look forward to seeing all your photos. Happy holidays and get clicking those shutters
